Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Philosophers and Philosophical Sources 409

Metrodorus of Lampsacus:
Metrodorus of Stratonicea:
then student of Carneades.

331/330-278/277; Epicurean philosopher.
Academic philosopher; former Epicurean and

Nausiphanes: fourth century B.c.; an atomist; student of Pyrrho and teacher
of Epicurus.
Numenius of Apamea: second century A.D.; Neopythagorean and Platonist
Panaetius: ca. 185-109 B.c.; founder of middle Stoicism.
Parmenides of Elea: early fifth century B.c.; founder of the Eleatic school.
Persaeus of Citium: ca. 306-ca. 243 B.c.; Stoic and pupil of Zeno of Citium.
Philo of Alexandria: ca. 25 B.c.-ca. 50 A.D.; eclectic Jewish philosopher of
mostly Platonic leanings.
Philo the Dialectician: a logician of the late fourth and early third centuries
B.c., student of Diodorus Cronus.
Philo of Larissa: first century B.c.; successor to Clitomachus as head of the
Academy; initiator of the return to a somewhat more dogmatic form of philosophy.
Philodemus: ca. 110-40/35 B.c.; Epicurean philosopher.
Plato: 427-347 B.c.; founder of the Academy and pupil of Socrates.
Plotinus: 204-270 A.D.; founder of Neoplatonism.
Plutarch: 46-after 120 A.D.; Academic philosopher and biographer.
Polemo: ?-270 B.c.; head of the Academy after Xenocrates.
Polyaenus ofLampsacus: died before 271 B.c.; one ofEpicurus' earliest fol-
Porphyry: third century A.D.; pupil of Plotinus and Platonic philosopher.
Posidonius: ca. 135-ca. 50 B.c.; middle Stoic, pupil of Panaetius.
Praxiphanes: third century; pupil of Theophrastus.
Proclus: ca. 410-485 A.D.; last head of the Academy.
Prodicus of Ceos: fifth century B.c.; sophist and contemporary of Socrates.
Protagoras of Abdera: ca. 450 B.c.; most famous of the sophists.
Ptolemy of Cyrene: a sceptical philosopher, active ca. 100 B.c.
Pyrrho: 365/360-275/270 B.c.; founder of Greek scepticism.
Pythagoras of Samos: sixth century B.c.; mathematical and religious philos-
Pythocles: an early follower of Epicurus.
Seneca: ca. 55 B.c.-37/41 A.D.; Roman politician, playwright, and Stoic philos-
Sextus Empiricus: ca. 200 A.D.; physician and sceptic, major source for an-
cient scepticism.
Simplicius: sixth century A.D.; Peripatetic scholar and philosopher.
Socrates: 469-399 B.c.; the teacher of Plato.
Sphaerus of Borysthenes: ca. 285/265-ca 221 B.c.; pupil of Zeno of Citium
and then of Cleanthes.
Stilpo: ca. 380-300 B.c.; third head of the Megarian school.
Stobaeus: late fourth to early fifth centuries A.D.; excerpter and anthologist.
Strato ofLampsacus: head of the Peripatetic school after Theophrastus; died
269 B.C.

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