Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

408 Philosophers and Philosophical Sources

Cleanthes of Assos: 331-232 B.c.; pupil of Zeno and his successor as head
of the Stoic school (263-232).
Cli tomachus: 187/186-11 0/l 09 B.c.; successor to Carneades as head of the
Colotes ofLampsacus: fourth-third centuries B.c.; pupil and devotee ofEpi-
Crantor: ca. 335-275 B.c.; pupil of Xenocrates and Academic philosopher.
Crates of Thebes: 365-285 B.c.; Cynic philosopher, follower of Diogenes
of Sinope.
Critias: Athenian aristocrat and intellectual of the late 5th C. B.c.
Demetrius of Laconia: Epicurean philosopher active around 100 B.c.
Democritus of Abdera: ca. 470/457-ca. 360 B.c.; along with Leucippus the
founder of atomism.
Diagoras of Melos: poet of the late 5th C. B.c., famous for his atheism.
Diodorus Cronus: ca. 300 B.c.; founder of the Megarian dialectical school.
Zeno of Citium and Arcesilaus were among his pupils.
Diogenes of Babylon: ca. 240-152 B.c.; pupil of Chrysippus and successor
Zeno of Tarsus as head of the Stoic school.
Diogenes of Sinope: ca. 400-ca. 325; founder of the Cynic school.
Diogenes of Tarsus: Epicurean philosopher of uncertain date.
Dionysius of Heraclea: ca. 328-248 B.c.; follower of Zeno of Citium who
later converted to hedonism.
Empedocles of Acragas: fifth century B.c.; pluralist philosopher.
Epictetus: 55 A.D. to ca. 135; Stoic philosopher active in Rome as well as Greece.
Epicurus: 341-270 B.c.; founder of the Epicurean school.
Evander: second century B.c.; a head of the sceptical Academy.
Euboulides of Miletus: mid-fourth century B.c. dialectician, with links to the
Megarian school.
Galen ofPergamum: second century A.D.; physician and Platonic philosopher.
Gorgias of Leontini: fifth century B.c.; sophist and rhetorician.
Hegesinus: second century B.c.; a head of the sceptical Academy.
Heraclitus of Ephesus: ca. 500 B.c.; Ionian philosopher.
Herillus of Carthage: third century B.c.; pupil of Zeno of Citium and founder
of an independent school.
Hieronymus of Rhodes: ca. 290-230 B.c.; trained in the Peripatetic school,
he later left to found his own school.
ldomeneus ofLampsacus: c. 325-270 B.c.; a friend ofEpicurus with Peripa-
tetic sympathies.
Lacydes: ?-206/205 B.c.; successor to Arcesilaus as head of the sceptical
Leucippus: fifth century; with Democritus, the co-founder of atomism.
Lucretius: first century B.c.; Roman poet and Epicurean.
Melissus of Samos: mid fifth century B.c.; pupil ofParmenides and naval com-
Menodotus ofNicomedia: ca. 120 A.D.; Pyrrhonist philosopher and empiri-
cal physician.

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