Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

abolish: III-22.90, 92, 94, 104.
accidental properties: see prop-
actions: 1-34; 11-27.
Aenesidemus: 111-22.62, 78, 87,
102, 106, 107; III-23.116; III-24;
III-25; III-27.210, 222; III-
37.180; III-45.218; III-47.138.
agency: 1-34.
Agrippa: III-22.88.
ailment: see disease.
air: 1-2.73 (n.9); 1-92.3; 11-20.136--
137; 11-23.17-18, 26--27, 42-43;
11-71; see also element.
aither: 11-20.137, 139; 11-23.117.
altruism: 1-1.9-10; 1-6.44; 1-122;
1-123; 1-157; see also friendship.
ambiguity: 11-3.62.
analogy: 1-2.40; 1-3.102; 1-7.32;
1-16.49; 11-3.52-53; 11-10.57; III-
35.147; III-37.182.
Anaxagoras: 1-1.12; 11-85; III-
19.44; III-20.100; III-26.33.
Anaxarchus: 1-39; III-22.63.
anger: ll-95.10b,c; 11-119; III-
22.66, 68.
Antiochus: 11-6.144; 11-100.16; III-
4.739c,d; III-9.67; III-11.97-98;
III-18.162; III-20.98, 102.
Antipater of Tarsus: 11-3.54, 55,
57, 60, 68; 11-20.139, 140, 142,
148, 150, 157; 11-76.2; 11-94.84,
92, 121; ll-95.6a, 7f; III-3.64;
III-4. 738c; III-6.
Apollodorus of Seleucia: 11-2.39,
41; 11-3.54, 64; 11-20.135, 142,
150, 157; 11-94.84, 102, 118, 121,
125, 129.
appearance: 1-2.51, 55; 1-18; III-


22.92, 106; III-26.9, 17, 19; III-
27.218, 219, 233; III-35.93, 94,
135; III-36.167; III-39.88-94;
III-46.78; as criterion: III-
22.106--107; III-26.22; and signs:
III-25.170b; III-35.138; III-
40.124-129; vs. reality: III-
22.103, 105, 106; III-35.140, 144;
III-37.181, 182; conflicting: III-
26.8, 22, 29, 31-33; III-27.210,
214; III-35.118, 121, 129; see also
presentation, clear (facts).
application (of the mind to im-
ages): 1-2.35, 36, 50(n.6), 51, 62,
69, 70, 83; I-5.XXIV; 1-7.31; 1-
71; 1-80; 1-136; see also reason/
intellect/thought, grasp (basic).
approach, sceptical: 11-1.42; lll-
25.170b; III-26; III-27 .222, 232,
235, 241.
appropriate act: 11-1.171; 11-
94.88, 93, 107-110; ll-95.5b2,b3,
6a, 7b, 8, lla,m; 11-97; 11-
102.20-22; named by Zeno: 11-
1.25; 11-94.1 08; see also virtue.
Arcesilaus: 1-17.70; 11-1.162, 171,
183; III-1; III-2; III-4.736d,
737b-d; III-8.59; III-9.67; III-
10.77; III-16; III-17; III-18.150-
158; III-19; III-23.114, 115; III-
27.220, 232.
Archedemus: 11-2.40; 11-3.55, 68;
11-20.134, 136; 11-31; 11-94.84,
88; ll-95.6a; 11-107.1.
Archelaus: 1-1.12.
archer (example): ll-95.5b5; 11-
102.22; see also craft (of life).
argument: 11-1.20; 11-3.43--47, 76--
82; 11-17; III-41; indemonstrable:
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