Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


11-3.78-81; III-11.96; III-35.69;
III-41.156-159; paradoxical: see
paradox; on both sides: 11-1.183-
184; 11-18; III-1.28; III-2; III-4;
III-8.60; III-16; III-17; III-19.45,
46; III-22.74, 102; opposed: III-
26.10; III-33.202-204; see also
logic, Aristippus: 11-100.20.
Ariston: 11-1.37, 160; 11-116.64;
III-1.32; III-27.234.
Aristotle: 1-1.1; 1-90; 1-102;
1-103.16; 11-23.42, 44, 94; 11-42;
11-90.39; III-17; III-22.81; III-24;
assent: and presentations: 11-1.177;
11-3.46, 48, 49, 51; 11-4.40; 11-
6.145; 11-7; 11-90.42-44; ll-
91.1055f-1056d; ll-95.7b; 11-
102.18; III-9.66-67; III-18.151-
152, 172; III-26.13, 16, 19; and
impulse: 11-90.40--42; ll-95.9b;
11-119; III-12.1122b,c; III-13;
and knowledge: III-8.59; III-
18.154; voluntary: 11-4.40; 11-
90.40-44; ll-91.1056c-d; wise
man's: 11-4.42; 11-94.121; ll-
95.llm; 11-102.31; III-10.78; III-
15; III-18.156-157; III-19.45;
III-20.99, 101, 104; III-25.169b;
111-27.230, 233; see also suspen-
sion of judgement.
astronomy: 1-2.76, 79, 81; 1-3.88-
98, 110-115; I-5.X, XI; 1-92.3;
11-20.132, 144-146, 155; 11-
24.6-7; see also meteorology.
atheism: see god(s).
atoms: 1-2.44, 54, 65, 66 (n.7);
1-3.99; l-29.1110e; III-35.147; de-
fined: 1-31; as basic: 1-2.40-41;
1-3.116; 1-29; 1-77; III-27.214;
motion of: 1-2.40, 42, 43 (and
n.3), 61; 1-14.18; 1-15.18, 22-25;
1-17.69; 1-18; 1-28; 1-34; 1-83;
1-84; 1-86; 1-87; 1-89.223;
1-92.1-2; see also swerve (of

atoms); weight of: 1-2.43 (n.4),
44 (n.5), 54, 61; 1-14.18; 1-15.22,
25; 1-77; 1-82; 1-92.1-2; size of:
1-2.43 (n.3), 44 (n.5), 54-56, 59;
1-77; 1-82; 1-87; shapes of:
1-2.42, 44 (n.5), 54; 1-77; 1-82;
1-87; number of: 1-2.41-42, 45;
1-16.54; 1-84; 1-87; see also
augury: see divination.
avoid(ance): see choice

bad: see good (and bad).
base: see vice.
basic grasp: see grasp.
benefit: 11-94.99; ll-95.5d, 11b-
d,h,i; 11-108; 11-115.22-24; III-
benevolence: 1-57.
Bion: III-2.731b.
bivalence: 1-15.19, 21, 37-38;
1-17.70; 11-77; 11-82; III-11.97.
black bile: see melancholia.
blessedness: 1-4.128; 1-41; III-
42.4-5; sources of: 1-2.78-80;
1-3.84; 1-4.134; I-5.XXVII;
1-6.17, 52; 1-26.65; 1-147; 1-158;
of god: 1-2.76, 81; 1-5.1; 1-16.45,
47, 51-53; 11-20.147; Zeno the
Stoic's: 11-1.28; virtue brings
blessedness: 11-23.153; see also
happiness, pleasure, wisdom/
wise man.
body: 1-2.39-42; 1-24; 1-30; 11-59;
11-60; 11-67; ll-95.5b4,b7, 7a,b; 11-
108; III-45; III-46.76; III-47.124-
134, 138, 139; defined: 1-82; 1-100;
11-20.132, 134, 135, 146, 156; 11-
49; see also incorporeals.
Boethus of Sidon: 11-3.54; 11-
20.143, 148, 149.
breath: 1-2.63.
burial practices: 1-8.118; III-
22.84; III-49.248.
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