Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


27.213, 214; III-38.63; III-
demonstration: III-41; defined:
II-3.45; II-5.26; III-41.135 is nec-
essary: III-35.60-61, 114-117,
122-123; III-38.53; III-39.85;
III-40.121-123; III-42.6-9; is im-
possible: II-5.26; III-22.90-91;
III-29; III-32.20; III-37.179; III-
38.53, 54; III-40.107-108; does it
exist?: III-41.144-159; indemon-
strables: see argument.
denotation: see words.
design argument: II-23.4-5, 15-
17, 19, 22, 58, 84-87, 94-95,
115-118, 127-128; II-24.2-11;
desire: 1-6.35, 71, 80; 1-21.33; 1-45;
1-120; 1-134; 1-135; 1-141; II-
109.11; II-118, II-119; limit of:
I-5.X, Xl; 1-6.59, 68; 1-119; 1-147;
II-95.10-lOe; kinds of: 1-4.127-
128; I-5.XXVI, XXIX (and
n.20),XXX; 1-6.21, 33; 1-25.93;
1-118; 1-140; II-94.110-111, 113-
114, 116; see also pleasure, pain,
frugality, luxury, opinion, passion.
destruction: 1-2.42, 54; 1-7.30;
1-18; 1-91; III-22.90, 98, 105; III-
25.170b; III-47.147, 148; 1-2.39,
41, 54-55; destruction of cosmos:
determine: III-22.74, 76, 102,
104, 106; III-25.170a; III-26.14,
28; III-27.246; III-33.197-199.
dew: 1-3.108.
Diagoras of Melos: III-43.51-53.
dialect: defined: II-3.56.
dialectic: 1-7.31; II-1.25, 180; II-
2.41; II-3.55-83; II-15; III-1.32;
III-11.97; III-22.64; III-27.234;
III-39.94; III-41.151, 156; de-
fined: II-3.42-44; is it useful?: II-
1.161; II-3.46-48, 83; II-95.8.
Diodorus Cronus: II-1.15, 25; II-
76.1; II-100.21; III-1.32; III-

2.73la; III-27.234; III-40.110;
Diogenes of Babylon: II-2.39; II-
3.55, 57, 58, 71; II-94.84, 88; II-
95.5b6, 6a, 7f; II-102.33; III-
11.98; III-43.134.
Diogenes of Sinope: II-94.91,
131; III-35.145; III-46.66.
Dionysius of Heraclea: II-1.37.
disagreement: III-22.78; III-31.8;
III-35.85, 88-89; as one of the
five modes: III-22.88; III-36.164,
165, 170-172; III-37.178, 185; be-
ing a party to: III-35.59, 90, 98,
112; III-40.122; III-48.182; about
criteria: III-22.95; III-32.17-21;
about causes: III-40.113, 116;
III-44.13-16, 23; about signs:
III-40.121-123; about god: III-
42.3-5; about good and bad: III-
48.175, 179-182; about virtue:
disease: I-5.1V; 1-64; 1-124; Epicu-
rus' own: 1-1.15-16; 1-41; a rea-
son for suicide: II-94.130; of the
soul: II-94.115; II-95.5f, 6d, 10e;
a rejected indifferent: II-94.106-
107; II-95.5a, 7a,f; II-116.62-63;
see also health.
disposition: 1-34; II-1.161; II-3.47;
II-94.98; II-95.5f,l; II-121; III-
22.82, 92; III-24; III-27.218, 219;
III-35.100-117; see also con-
distress: see disturbance.
disturbance: 1-2.77; 1-4.127;
I-5.III, X; 1-6.11; 1-61; sources
of: 1-2.77, 79, 81-82; 1-4.132;
I-5.VIII, Xl, XVII, XXII; 1-6.81;
III-26.29-30; III-51.161; gods
not affected: 1-2.78; 1-5.1; 1-6.79;
1-16.45, 56; of knowledge:
I-5.XXIV, XXXVII; freedom
from: 1-3.85; 1-9.136; 1-16.53; II-
106.14; III-22.68, 107; III-24;
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