Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


tion of: 1-2.73; 1-3.89-90; 1-
73.1-4; 1-108; 11-20.132-133,
136-142; shapes of: 1-2.74 (and
n.10); 1-3.88; 1-92.1; 11-20.140;
11-23.116; 11-113; number of:
1-2.45; 1-3.89; l-16.53;good de-
sign of: 11-23.19, 58, 84-87, 115-
118, 127, 128; 11-24.2-11; is
wise: 11-20.143; 11-23.30, 34, 36,
39; is divine: 11-20.137-138; 11-
23.30, 32, 37-39; 11-57; see also
universe, god, cosmopolitanism.
courage: l-8.120b; 11-94.92-93,
100; ll-95.5a-5b2,b5; 11-102.29;
11-109.11; III-48.193; see also
cowardice: see courage.
cradle argument: 1-9-1-12;
1-21.30; 1-128; 1-129; 1-131; 11-
94.85-87, 89; 11-100.18; 11-
102.16-18; III-48.194; III-50.96;
see also pleasure, good (and bad).
craft: 1-126; 11-107.23; defined: 11-
9.373; of life: ll-95.5b,
b5,b10,b11,k; 11-96; 11-100.16-
20; 11-102.18, 22-25; III-48.188;
III-49.241; as guide: III-26.23.
Crantor: lll-2.731a.
Crates: 11-1.2, 4, 24, 32.
Cratylus: 1-103.16, 17.
creation: 1-2.38, 42; 1-7.30; III-
22.90, 98; III-25.170b; of place:
III-47.132, 133; of time: III-
47.147-150; see also destruction.
criterion: of truth: 1-2.38, 51, 52,
82; 1-3.116; I-5.XXIV; 1-7.30-34;
l-29.1109e; 1-66; 1-68.216; 11-
2.41; 11-3.42, 49, 54; 11-4.42; 11-
8.227; 11-15; 11-19.441; III-8.59;
III-11.95-98; III-13; III-18.150,
153, 156, 159-166; III-22.90, 91,
93-95, 106; III-26.21; III-32; III-
35.114-117; III-37.179; III-38.53,
56; III-39.88-96; III-46.70; of
choice: 1-4.128, 129; I-5.XXV;

1-7.34; III-18.158, 166-189; III-
20.99-101; III-22.106-107; III-
26.5, 21-24; III-27.231, 235, 237;
III-51.166; by means of which:
III-38.48-69; according to which:
111-38.70-79; see also pleasure,
sense-perception, grasp,
culture (=fine arts): 1-6.45;
l-8.12lb; 1-50; 1-51; see also edu-
custom: see convention.
cylinder and cone (example): 11-
89.11; 11-90.42-43; see also
cause, fate.
Cynics: 1-8.119; 11-1.2-4; 11-94.12;
Cyrenaics: 1-9-1-13; l-29.112la-c;

dairnon: 11-20.151; 11-94.88.
dance (example): 11-102.24; see
also craft (of life).
death: 1-2.63-65, 81; 1-6.31, 60; 11-
20.156; 11-23.23; 11-65 -11-68; ll-
95.11m,q; 11-109.14; fear of:
1-2.81; 1-4.122, 125, 133; I-5.X,
XI, XX; 1-150; 11-107.18; long-
ing for: 1-150; nothing to us:
1-2.81; 1-4.124-127;1-5.11, XL;
1-40; an indifferent: 11-23.153; 11-
94.102; ll-95.7f; Epicurus':
1-1.15-16; 1-41; Zeno's: 11-1.28;
Cleanthes': 11-1.174-175; Chrysi-
ppus': 11-1.184-185; Arcesilaus':
III-1.44; Carneades': III-3.64-65;
see also suicide, old age.
definition: defined: 11-3.60; see
also outline (definition).
Democritus: 1-14.18, 23; 1-15.46;
1-17; 1-18; l-29.1110e-1111a;
1-77; 1-87; 1-88; 1-94; 1-97; 1-98;
1-100; 1-101; 1-103.16; 1-104; 11-
23.76; 11-64; 11-90.39; III-2.731b;
III-19.44; III-22.67, 72, 106; III-
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