Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


family: 11-1.32-33; 11-94.98, 108,
120--121, 131; Il-95.5m, 7b, 11q;
11-96; 11-103.62; III-49.246; see
also sex.
fate: 1-4.133-134; l-8.120a; 1-
15.18-25; 1-16.55; 1-17.69-76; 11-
21-11-22; 11-76--11-93; and god,
providence, divination: 11-20.135,
149; 11-21-11-22; 11-61; 11-77; 11-
78; 11-81; and causes: 11-20.149;
11-77-11-80; 11-89.1, 11; 11-
90.41-44; 11-91; universality of:
11-20.149; 11-21-11-22; 11-55; 11-
81; 11-92; and responsibility: 11-
1.23; 11-21; 11-81; 11-88; 11-89;
11-90.40; 11-93; necessity/possibil-
ity: 11-76; 11-78; 11-83; 11-90.39,
41-44; 11-93.5-6; bivalence: 11-
77; 11-82; co-fated: 11-84.30--31;
11-93; and resignation: 11-22; 11-
77; see also free will, responsibil-
ity, cause, bivalence.
fatherland: 11-94.95, 96, 108, 130;
see also politics.
fear: 1-4.128; I-5.X, XVIII,
XXVIII; 1-26.68; 1-147; 11-23.14;
11-94.96, 110--113, 116; Il-
95.5b,c,g, 10-10c, 11e; 11-109.11;
11-118; 11-119; III-22.66, 68; of
1-2.81; 1-4.122, 125, 133;1-5.X,
XI, XX; 1-150; of the gods:
1-2.79, 82; I-5.X, XII, XIII;
1-16.45, 56; of punishment:
I-5.XXXIV, XXXV; 1-6.7, 70;
1-43; 1-120; 1-155; 1-156;
see also: security, confidence,
emotions, disturbance, passion.
feelings: 1-7.34; 1-68.203; and
time: 1-2.73; 1-89.219, 224; as cri-
teria: 1-2.38, 55, 63, 68, 82;
1-3.116; 1-4.129; I-5.XXIV;
1-7.31, 34; see also pleasure,
pain, criterion, emotions, state.
fire: 1-2.66 (n.7); 1-3.102-103, 111,

115; 1-92.3; 11-20.136--137; 11-21;
11-23.27, 41, 57, 118; 11-61; 11-
62; 11-71; see also element, con-
freedom: 1-6.67, 77; 1-117; 11-
94.96, 121; Il-95.lli; see also
free will: 1-15.23-25; 1-28; 1-112;
11-81; 11-89.5-15; Il-91.1056d;
11-99; 11-107.7; see also responsi-
bility, fate.
friend(ship): 1-1.10--11; 1-4.135;
1-6.52, 61; 1-26.65-70; 1-53; 1-54;
1-121; 11-1.23, 32-33; 11-94.95,
96, 108, 124, 130; Il-95.5b9,
11c,k,m,s; 11-103.70; 11-115.22-
23; importance of: I-5.XXVII;
1-6.23, 28, 78; 1-26.65, 67-68;
and altruism: 1-6.23, 34, 56-57,
66; 1-8.118, 120a, 120b, 12lb;
1-26.66--69; 1-29; see also justice,
wisdom/wise man.
frugality: 1-1.10; 1-4.130--131;
1-48; 1-49; 1-58-1-61; 1-142;
1-144; 1-159; see also luxury; par-
simony; wealth; self-sufficiency.

generation: see creation.
genus and species: 11-3.60--61; 11-
32; 11-33; III-35.137-138; III-
39.86; see also ontology.
geography: 11-20.155-156.
gluttony: 1-141.
goal (of life): 1-4.128, 133;
I-5.XXII, XXV; 1-7.30; 1-9.137;
1-10; 1-11; 1-37; 11-1.37, 165; 11-
94.87, 88; Il-95.5b5,b6, 6b-e, 7-
7a; 11-101; 11-102.22-25; III-
18.158; III-22.107, 108; III-
25.170b; III-26.5, 25-30; III-
27.215, 231; III-48.187; see also
pleasure, good, disturbance (free-
dom from).
god(s): in Epicureanism: 1-4.123-
124, 133-134; 1-16.43-56;
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