Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
pulse: 11-20.159; 11-73; 11-107.13;
III-12.1122c; and intellect and
knowledge: 11-8.232, 235; 11-
20.159; 11-39.39; 11-73; 11-115.23;
location of: 11-20.59; 11-68; 11-73;
see also mind.
learning: III-22.90, 100.
leisure: 1-6.14; 1-16.51.
lekton : see thing said (lekton).
Leucippus: 1-1.13; 1-87; 1-96-1-98.
life: 11-23.23-24; 11-94.102, 106; Il-
95.5a,m, 7b,f, 11m; see also
death, goal (of light: 1-3.101.
lightning: 1-3.101-104; 11-20.153.
limits: 1-90; of universe: 1-2.41-42;
1-29; 1-77; 1-87; 1-90; of time:
1-76; III-47.140-142; of cosmoi:
1-2.45; of wealth: I-5.XV; 1-6.63;
1-119; see also pleasure, pain, de-
sire, infinity.
logic: 1-66; 11-1.160; 11-2.39-41;
III-26.18; III-41.146, 152-155,
159; see also dialectic, argument,
necessity and possibility, biva-
logos: see reason/intellect/thought.
love: 1-8.118; 1-26.69; 11-94.129-
130, Il-95.5b9; see also sex.
luxury: 1-4.130-132; I-5.XXIX
(n.20); 1-59; 1-61; see also profli-
gacy, frugality, wealth.

madness: 1-7.32; 11-10.157; 11-
13.5-6; 11-39.42; 11-94.118, 124;
Il-95.5bl3; see also melancholia.
magnanimity: 11-94.92-93, 128;
11-102.25, 29; see also virtue.
man: conception of: 1-93; 11-99; ori-
gin of: 1-101; is best: 11-23.39,
140-153; 11-24.16; purpose of:
11-23.37, 140; everything for his
sake: 11-23.139, 154-161.
marriage: see family, sex.
Master Argument: 11-76.

mathematics: 1-127.
matter: 11-20.134, 150; 11-25; 11-
47; 11-50; 11-52-11-55; 11-58; 11-
60; 111-27.218; see also substance.
melancholia: 11-13.5; 11-94.118,
127; see also madness.
Melissus: III-46.65.
memory: 1-7.31, 33; 1-137; 11-
9.373; 11-12.2; see also concept/
Menodotus: III-23.116; III-27.222.
meteors: 11-20.153; 11-23.14.
meteorology: 1-2.76, 78, 80, 82;
1-3; 11-20.151-159; see also as-
Metrodorus of Lampsacus: 1-1.1;
1-6.31; 1-9.136; 1-41; 1-43; 1-49.
Metrodorus of Stratonicea: 1-1.9;
mind: 11-3.49, 50, 54-56; 11-8.229;
11-16; 11-75; 11-89.7-8, 11; cos-
mic: 11-20.135, 138-139; 11-
23.17-18, 42-43; 11-24.16; see
also reason/intellect/thought.
minimal parts: 1-2.58-59; 1-77;
III-35.147; see also infinite di-
misfortune: 1-6.55.
mixture: 1-29; 11-20.151; 11-23.28;
11-48; III-22.84; III-35.124-128.
modes of argument: the ten
modes: III-22.78-88; III-35.35-
163; the five modes: III-22.88-
89; III-36; III-37 .185-186; the
two modes: III-37.178-179; the
eight modes: III-37.180-185; see
also disagreement, relativity, hy-
pothesis, infinite regress, circular
money: 11-1.33; see also wealth.
monstrosities: 11-23.14.
moon: 1-3.90-92, 94-96; 11-
20.145-146; 11-24.9-11; 11-62.
moral mistake: 11-94.120-122; II-
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