Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


incorporeals: 1-2.67; 1-89.227; II-
3.51; II-20.140-141; II-28; II-29;
II-34; II-95.llf; III-47.134, 138,
139; see also place, void, time,
indemonstrables: see arguments.
indifferent things: II-1.36-37; II-
94.102-107; II-95.5a-bl,b9, 7-8a;
II-101; II-116; III-48.168, 177,
191-193; preferred/rejected: II-
94.102-107; II-95.7b, 7f-8; II-
116.62-63; III-48.191-193; total
indifference: II-1.37, 160, 165;
II-102.31; II-116.64-66; Pyrrho's
indifference: III-22.63, 66; see
also good (and bad).
induction: III-30.
infinite division: 1-2.56-57; 1-18;
1-83; II-20.150; II-36; III-46. 76;
see also minimal parts, infinity.
infinite regress: one of the five
modes of argument: III-22.88,
94; III-32.20; III-35.122; III-
36.164, 166, 168, 171-172, 176;
III-37.129, 186; III-39.85, 89-90,
92-93; III-40.124, 127; III-42.8;
III-44.23; III-49.241.
infinity: 1-16.50, 54; see also infi-
nite division, limits.
injustice: see justice and injustice.
intellect: II-95.5b7; III-9.66; III-
22.92; III-32.16; III-35.99, 128;
III-38.48, 57-69, 72-75; see also
intercosmos: 1-3.89.
isonomia: 1-16.50; 1-18; see also in-

joy: II-94.96, 116; II-95.5b,c,g,k,
6d, 11e; see also pleasure.
jury-duty: l-8.120a; II-94.122.
justice and injustice: in Epicure-
anism: I-5.XXXIV; 1-6.7, 70;
1-35; 1-43; and utility: I-

rewards of: I-5.XVII; 1-152; 1-
154; 1-156; as a virtue: 1-4.132; I-
5.V; is conventional: I-5.XXXI,
XXXII, XXXIII; see also punish-
ment; in Stoicism: II-94.92-99,
100, 128; II-95.5a-b2,b5,f,l, 8,
11b-e,i,m; II-103.70; II-109.11;
II-113; no justice with animals:
II-94.129; II-103.70; see also vir-
tue; attack on: III-22.61.

kingship: l-8.12lb; 1-115; II-
94.122; II-95.llg,i,m; see also pol-
knowledge: II-1.165; II-3.47, 54;
II-4.41-42; II-6.145; II-23.147;
II-39.39; II-95.5l,m; as the goal:
II-1.37, 165; II-102.31; and vir-
tue: II-94.93, 98, 100, 125; II-
95.5b,bl,b5,b9,l,m, 11m; II-
102.17-18; III-18.151-153; attack
on its foundations: III-19.45; III-
24; III-34; III-39.84; see also cri-
terion, perceive, grasp, opinion,
clear (facts), testify/testimony,
sense-perception, reason/intel-
lect/thought, wisdom/wise man;
Lacydes: II-1.183.

language: see words, grammar,
thing said (lekton).
laws: cosmic: II-21; II-23.3; see
also justice.
lazy argument: II-84.28-30; II-
leading part: of the cosmos: II-
20.139; II-23.29-30; of the
soul:II-20.158; II-23.29; II-74; II-
75; II-95.5b7, 10; II-119-II-121;
III-12.1122c; III-35.128; III-
38.70, 71; III-48.170, 188; and
presentation: II-3.52; II-8.231-
232, 236; II-9.373; II-20.159; II-
73; III-12.1122c; III-38.70, 71;
and conception: II-12.1; and im-
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