Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


11-1.165; 11-3.47; 11-5.25; 11-
6.145; and reason: 11-3.47, 51; 11-
14; 11-41; and impulse: 11-5.25;
11-25; 11-95.9; in scepticism: as
criterion of truth: 11-102.31; III-
7.40-42; III-9.66; III-10.77; III-
18.154-155, 159-165; III-32.16;
III-38.53-55, 73, 77, 78; as crite-
rion of choice: III-18.166-189;
III-20.99-104; III-27 .227-229;
and impulse: III-12.1122b-d; and
motivation: III-13; differing pre-
sentations: III-22.79-80; III-
27.223; III-35.40-58, 80, 100-
118; =appearance: III-26.13, 19,
22, 26; graspable presentation:
III-4.738a; III-22.95; III-25.170a;
III-38.70-76; III-49.241-242; see
also sense-perception, criterion,
clear (facts).
preservation: I-18.
principle: 11-20.134; 11-52; 11-61;
III-27.218; spermatic: Il-95.7d;
see also god, matter.
Prodicus: III-43.51-52.
profligacy: I-4.131; I-5.X; see also
luxury, parsismony, wealth.
properties: accidental: I-2.40, 50,
55, 68, 69; I-89.220-223; 11-43;
11-46; essential: I-2.55, 70-71;
I-89.221-223; relational:
I-29.1109c-e; emergent:
prophecy: see divination.
proposition: 11-3.65-76; 11-39.38;
III-40.107-109; see also thing
said (lekton).
prosperity: I-5.XIV; see also
Protagoras: III-27.216-219; III-
providence (of the gods): I-29;
I-92.1; I-109; 11-20.147; 11-23.3,
13, 44, 58, 73, 127-133, 140-164;
11-78; III-22.76, 84; III-31.5; III-

42.2, 9-12; see also god, nature,
prudence: I-4.132; I-5.V; I-8.120a;
11-94.92-96, 124; Il-95.5a,b-b2,b-
5,b7,bl3,c,f,g,l, 6f, 8, 11e-g,i,k,n;
11-96; 11-100.17; 11-102.31; 11-
109.11; III-18.157-158; III-
25.170b; III-49; see also virtue,
wisdom/wise man.
punishment: I-5.XXXIV, XXXV;
I-6.7, 70; I-43; I-155; I-156; see
also justice.
Pyrrho: III-1.32; III-2.731a,b; III-
22; III-23.109; III-24; III-
25.169b; III-26.7; III-27.232.
Pythagoras: I-1.11; I-17; I-103;

qualities: 11-45; 11-48; 11-50; 11-57;
quantities: III-22.86; III-35.129-
134; III-46.79.
question and answer: III-1.28;
quick-wittedness: 11-94.92-93; Il-
95.5b2, 11p.
quiet (life): I-5.XIV.

rain: I-3.99; 11-20.153.
rainbow: I-3.109; 11-20.152.
reason/intellect/thought: I-2.38,
39, 47, 48, 51, 59, 62, 63, 75, 78;
I-5.I (n.19), XVIIII, XX, XXII,
XXIV; I-6.63; I-7.31-32; I-16.46,
49; I-21.31; I-27; I-34; I-71; I-77;
I-80; I-96; I-106; 11-3.51, 54, 56,
57; 11-5.26; 11-11.275; 11-12.4; 11-
14; 11-20.159; 11-23.18, 147-148;
11-25; 11-94.86, 88, 107-108, 130;
Il-95.5b9, 6a, lOa, 11d,e,m; 11-
99; 11-102.23; 11-107.14 11-110.4,
8, 9, 12-14; 11-117-11-119; 11-
121; III-7.42; III-8.60; III-18.159,
165; III-26.20; III-35.62-76;
god's reason: 11-20.134, 147; II-
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