Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
21; 11-23.16, 18;11-81; see also ap-
plication, criterion, non-evident
grasp (basic), outline (definition),
images, mind, wisdom/wise man,
knowledge, language.
reasonable presentations/propo-
sitions: 11-1.177; 11-3.76; the rea-
sonable as criterion: Ill-18.158.
regularity: 11-24.10; III-22.87; III-
rejected: 11-94.102-107; 11-95.7,
7b,g; III-25.170b; see also indif-
ferent things.
relational properties: see prop-
relativity: III-22.92-93; III-27.216;
one of the ten modes: III-22.87-
88; III-35.135-140; as superordi-
nate to the ten modes: III-35.39;
one of the five modes: III-22.88-
89; III-36.164, 167, 175, 177; III-
37.186; examples: III-22.96-98;
III-25.170a; III-35.87, 103, 163;
III-40.117-120, 125-126; III-
reputation: 11-94.104, 106, 115; ll-
95.5a, 7e, lOb,c.
resignation: 11-22; 11-77; 11-98.
responsibility: I-4.133; I-34; 11-
1.23; 11-21; 11-81; 11-88; 11-89.1-
15; 11-90.40; ll-91.1056d; see also
fate, free will.
retreat: I-42.
rhetoric: I-8.118, 120a; I-115; I-116;
11-2.41; 11-3.42-43; 11-23.148.
ritual (religious): I-55; see also

seasons: 11-20.151-152.
security (against bad things):
XXXIX, XL; I-6.31, 33, 56-57;
I-19.41; I-26.66, 68; see also con-
fidence, disturbance (freedom
from), pleasure, fear.

seed/semen: 11-20.136, 158-159;
11-23.81-82; 11-55; 11-56; 11-73.
seeds: I-2.38, 74; I-34; 11-24.11.
selected: see preferred.
self-control: 11-94.92-93.
self-evident: III-35.138; III-40.97,
116; III-41.140, 144, 159; III-
42.6-9; III-46.76; see also non-
self-reference: of scepticism: III-6;
III-19.45; III-22.74, 76, 102-104;
III-25.169b, 170a; III-26.14-15;
III-29; and cause: III-44.19; and
truth: III-39.86, 88, 91; and dem-
onstration: III-29; and sign: III-
self-sufficiency: I-4.130; I-6.44,
67, 77; I-48; I-53; I-54; I-118;
I-119; I-143; III-22.63; see also
frugality, freedom.
semen: I-2.66 (n.7); see also seed/
sense-perception: in Epicurean-
ism: I-2.47; I-21.30; I-22.37;
I-27; I-135; 11-15; III-12.1122d,e;
how caused: I-2.49, 63-66; I-95;
I-96-I-99; reliability of: I-7.31-
32; I-29; I-67; I-68.203-210;
I-69; I-70; as foundation of
knowledge: I-2.38, 39, 55, 63, 68,
82; I-3.90, 91; I-5.XXIII, XXIV;
I-7.31-33; I-17.70; I-27;
I-29.1110e; I-29.112la-e; I-65;
I-68.203; III-20.101; and death:
I-2.64-65, 81; I-4.125; I-5.1I; in
Stoicism: I-17.70; 11-3.49, 52, 54;
11-4.40-42; 11-7; 11-12.2; 11-15;
11-20.157-158; 11-23.145-146; 11-
71; 11-73; 11-75; ll-95.5c, 7b,d,e;
11-110.2-6; III-12.1122b; III-13;
III-20.101; in scepticism: and ap-
pearance: III-9.66; III-22.92; dif-
fering: III-22.80-81; III-35.44-
54, 76, 91-99, 124-128; III-
38.51-53, 56, 63, 67, 72-75; reli-
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