Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


utility: and friendship: 1-6.23, 34,
39; l-8.120b; 1-26.69; and justice:
see also good.
utterance: 11-3.55-57; see also lan-
guage, speech.

value: 11-94.105-106; 11-95.7, 7b,f,
11h; 11-102.20; see also good
(and bad).
vibration (of atoms): 1-2.43, 44,
vice: 11-1.32, 160; Il-91.1056c; 11-
94.93, 95-97, 102; Il-95.5a-
bl,b8-bl3,c,e-g, 6d,f, 7, 11d-g,k-
m; see also virtue.
virtue: in Epicureanism: 1-4.132;
1-6.15; 1-11; 1-16.51; 1-26.66; and
pleasure: I-5.V; 1-9.138; 1-12;
1-19.42; 1-21.33; 1-26.68; 1-37;
1-39; 1-151; in Stoicism: 11-1.161;
11-4.42; 11-23.79, 145; 11-24.16;
11-27; 11-65; 11-81; 11-88; Il-
91.1056c; 11-94.87, 88, 90-93,
109, 118; Il-95.5a-bl2,c,e-g, 6d,f,
7, 11d-g,k-s; 11-109; 11-110.4, 19,
20; 11-112; III-35.65, 67;unity of:
11-1.161; 11-94.125-127; III-
35.68; is good: 11-94.89, 94-102,
127-128; Il-95.5b; 11-102.32, 34;
11-115.22-23; 11-116.61; III-
48.169-170, 188, 197; and happi-
ness: 11-94.89, 127-128; 11-111;
and god: 11-111; III-43.152-165;
attack on: III-25.170b; see also
justice, courage, prudence, wis-
dom/wise man.
vision: 1-3.110; 1-98; 11-13.1; 11-
20.133, 157; 11-23.83, 145; 11-73;
11-75; 111-51; see also images, col-
our, shape, size, tower (example),
voice: 1-99; 1-100; 1-107; 11-49; see
also speech.
void: defined: 1-31; 1-78; 1-80; II-

37; as basic: 1-2.39, 44; 1-3.116;
l-29.1110e, 1112f-1114a; 1-30;
III-27.214; quantity of: 1-2.41-
42; 1-16.54; 1-87; yielding of:
1-2.43 (n.4 ), 44, 46, 61; 1-28;
1-89.223; proved by motion:
1-2.40, 67; 1-68.213-214; 1-79; in
Stoicism: 1-68.214; 11-20.132,
140, 143; 11-34; 11-37; 11-38; III-
47.124-130; see also void, matter.

water: 1-92.4; 11-20.136-137; 11-
23.26; 11-24.11; see also element.
waterspouts: 1-3.105.
wealth: I-5.XV; 1-6.25, 67, 81;
l-8.12lb; 1-45; 1-64; 1-119;
1-143-1-146; 1-158; 11-1.36, 188-
189; 11-21; 11-94.102, 106-107;
Il-95.5a, 7e,f, 10b,c, lli; 11-
116.62-63; III-48.180, 191-192,
196; see also frugality, luxury,
weather forecasting: 1-3.98, 115.
weight: 1-28; 1-84; 1-87; see also
whirlwinds: 1-3.104-105.
wind: 1-3.99-106, 114; 11-20.152.
wisdom/wise man: in Epicurean-
ism: 1-4.126, 133; I-5.XVI,
XXVII; 1-6.32, 44, 56-57, 78;
l-8.117-12lb; 1-21.33; 1-23.57;
1-25.95-96; 1-26.65, 68, 70; 1-53;
1-54; 1-64; 1-125; 1-154; wisdom
of god: 1-16.51; in Stoicism: fully
described: 11-94.116-125, 130-
131; Il-95.5b8-bl2, 11b,g-n,s;
also: 11-1.160, 162, 188-189; 11-
3.47-48, 83; 11-4.42; 11-6.144-
145; 11-20.157; 11-21; 11-39.42-
45; 11-65; Il-91.1055f-1056a; 11-
94.100; 11-102.23-26; 11-106.13;
11-108; 11-111; III-35.91; III-
43.13;Academic: III-6; III-8.59;
III-9.66-67; III-10.77-78; III-15;
III-18.151-157; III-20.99-101;
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