Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

superstition: 1-16.55; see also
myths, ritual, prayer.
suspension of judgement: Aca-
demic: 11-17; 11-18; III-1.28, 32;
III-2. 731 b,c; III-4. 736d, 739c; III-
12.1122a,c-f; III-15; III-18.155-
158; III-20.104; III-27.232-233;
Pyrrhonian: III-22.61-62, 107-
108; III-26.5, 7-10, 17, 26, 29, 31;
III-35.35, 36; III-38.56, 74, 79;
III-39.95; III-41.134; III-51.160-
163; Pyrrhonian examples: 111-
22.79, 80, 84, 103-104; III-27.215,
219; III-33.196, 205; III-35.59, 61,
129, 134, 135, 140, 144, 163; III-
36.164-170, 175, 177; III-42.6;
III-44.29; III-46.81; III-47 .119,
135; III-48.182.
swerve (of atoms): 1-14.18;
1-15.18, 22-25, 46-48; 1-17.69;
1-28; 1-84-1-86; 11-86.
syllogism: 11-3.43, 45, 78; III-
41.149; see also argument.

taste: l-29.112lc; 11-23.146; 11-73;
111-38.51, 55; see also sense-
teleology: 1-111; see also god, de-
sign argument.
temperance: 11-1.27-28; 11-94.92-
93; ll-95.5a-b2,b5,f,k,l, 11e-g; 11-
109.11; see also virtue.
tenor/tension: 11-20.157, 159.
testify/testimony: and knowledge:
1-2.50-51; 1-7.34; 1-68.211-216;
for: 1-2.39; I-5.XXXVII;
l-29.112le; III-37.181; against:
1-2.47, 48, 55; 1-3.88, 92;
l-29.112le; and the senses: 111-
43.140; see also criterion, explana-
tions (alternative), opinions.
Theodorus: III-2.73lb; III-43.51,

Theophrastus: III-2.73la.
thing said ( lekton): l-29.1119f;
1-73; 1-74; 1-84; 11-3.43, 57, 63-
64; 11-20.140; 11-34; 11-39.38; 11-
40-11-42; III-40.107.
thought: 11-3.51; 11-14; 11-30; 11-
31; III-35.65-69; see also mind,
reason/ intellect/ thought.
thunder: 1-3.100, 10l(n.l6), 102-
104; 11-20.153-154; 11-23.14.
time: 1-2.72; 1-89.219-227; 11-
20.141; 11-34-11-36; 11-38; 11-
110.17; III-46.76, 77; III-47.136-
143; unlimited: 1-76.
Timon: III-22.67, 76, 102, 105,
107; III-23.109-115; III-24; III-
27.223; III-30.
tornadoes: 1-3.105; 11-20.154.
totality: 1-30; see also universe.
touch: 11-13.1; 11-23.146; 11-73;
111-38.52, 56; see also sense-
tower (example): 1-7.34; l-
29.112lc; 1-68.208 III-22.107;
111-35.118; see also shape, sense-
perception (reliability of).
tranquillity: see disturbance (free-
dom from).
troubles: see disturbance.
truth: 1-27; 1-67; III-2.73lb; III-
4.738a, 739a; III-21.7, 8; III-
25.170b; and the true: 11-39; III-
39.80-96; see also knowledge,
turmoil: see disturbance.
twins (example): 11-1.162.
typhoon: 11-20.154.

universe (totality, 'the unlim-
ited'): 1-2.36, 39, 41-42, 60;
l-29.1112f; 1-30; 1-76; 1-87; 1-90;
11-20.134, 143; 11-53; see also
unseen realities: 1-65.
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