The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the new russian nationalism

National Salvation Front, 28–9, 36,
National Socialist Society (Natsional-
sotsialisticheskoe obshchestvo)
(NSO), 78, 83
definitions of, 21, 223, 229
and the economy, 16, 337,
evolution of the concept of,
ideological grammars and, 296
as non-patronalistic, 223
typology of, 22–4
Western scholarship on, 20–4
nationalities policy
Concept of State Nationalities
Policy, 261
criticism of, 262–3
draft strategy, 261–4
National-Republican Party of Russia
(NRPR), 30–1
National-socialist Initiative
initsiativa) (NSI), 83, 92, 97
Eltsin Administration, 18, 27, 31–3,
ethnic Russians within Putin’s
strategy, 256–7
Kremlin (2000-8), 251
role of Russian Orthodox Church,
role of state-aligned media and,
299, 306–10, 328–9
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Organization), 276, 287
natsionalnost, 42, 49–50
Navalnyi, Aleksei, 3, 79, 93, 94, 235,
‘near abroad’
migrant workers from, 4
Russian diaspora in, 30, 32, 37
state influence in, 44
strategic interests in, 283
Nemenskii, Oleg, 39
neo-Eurasianism, 30
neoliberalism, 337, 339, 341–2, 345,
350, 354–5, 356

neo-Nazis, 2, 77–8, 80, 81, 84, 88, 98,
99, 253
neopaganism see paganism
NEORUSS surveys
competition for work, 143–4
economic strength and stability,
214–16, 218
economic valuation, 172–4, 175
ethnic and civic ingroup pride, 172,
on ethnic diversity, 141, 204–5, 205
ethnic minorities as marriage
partners, 207–10, 208 , 211
on EU/Eurasian Union membership
for Ukraine, 196
indicators of ethnic nationalism,
intermarriage with migrants,
207–10, 208 , 211
Islam, views on, 213–14
methodology, 134–5, 170
migrants as a threat, 139–40
Novorossiia concept, public
understanding of, 197, 198
overview of, 6–7
perspectives on EU accession of
former Soviet countries, 197
preferences for Russia’s state
identity, 184–5, 184
preferences for territorial
boundaries, 171–2, 175 , 213,
214 , 241–2, 242
pride in ethnic identity, 201–2
pride in the Russian state, 204
Putin’s competency on nationalist
issues, 200–1
ratings of the political system, 200
responsiveness to Putin, 174
Russia for Russians, support for,
russkie, understanding of the term,
socio-demographic indicators and,
socio-political concerns, 152–6
on territorial expansion, 174–5,
Ukraine territorial legitimacy and
borders, 196
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