The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Shevel, Oxana, 23, 33
Shevtsova, Lilia, 5
Shiropaev, Aleksei, 55, 56
Simonovich-Nikshich, Leonid,
118–19, 129
Simonsen, Sven Gunnar, 22
Slavic Community of St Petersburg,
124, 127
Slavic Force (Slavianskaia sila), 91–2
Slavic Union
Crimean annexation as step
towards, 188
public support for, 176–8, 177 ,
186, 213
Slavic Union (Slavianskii soiuz) (SS),
34–5, 83, 91
Slavophiles, 50–1, 62, 105, 340
social identity approach, 167–8,
Solovei, Valerii, 54, 126
Solov’ev, Vladimir, 47–8
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 20, 26, 31
sootechestvenniki (compatriots), 32
Sorokin, Vladimir, 68
sovereign democracy (suverennaia
demokratiia), 285, 355
sovereignty, 47, 48, 59–60, 183,
Soviet Union (USSR)
ethnic identity, 43, 55–6, 268–9
nationalism, 25–6, 42
nostalgia for, 55–6
Russian language, 43
state television, 329–30
statist nationalism during
perestroika, 28–30
see also collapse of the Soviet
Sputnik i Pogrom, 54, 55, 128
Stalin, Iosif, 25, 65–6, 67, 162,
state, the
relationship with the Church,
108–10, 115, 262–3, 292, 316
role in neoliberal economies,
Russian pride in, 204
state identity, public preferences for,
182–5, 184

strength of and statist nationalism,
1, 5, 19, 43, 353–4
see also ideological state posture;
stateless nations, 21
statists (gosudarstvenniki)
as alternative to radical
nationalism, 81
during the Eltsin Administration,
ethnic neutrality of, 29
national democratic nationalism
opposition to, 53–4
national patriots as, 106–7
opposition to ethnonationalism, 1
Putin’s early stance on, 19, 251–2
shift to ethnocentrist nationalism,
state strength, importance of, 1, 5,
19, 43, 353–4
tension with liberals, 352
USSR-focused statism, 28–30, 63–4
Steger, Manfred, 277
Stolypin, Petr, 24
Strategy 2020 reform programme,
Strelkov, Igor, 71
Strukova, Marina, 127
Struve, Petr, 24
supremacist nationalism, 23 , 30–1, 43
Surkov, Vladislav, 238, 285–6, 350,
352, 355
Sviatenkov, Pavel, 37
Szporluk, Roman, 22–3

response to annexation of Crimea,
161–2, 163
television, state-aligned
annexation of Crimea coverage,
anti-immigration campaign, 81–2,
88, 94, 323
‘ethnic cohesion’ use of term,
307–8, 310–13
ethnicity-related news, 303–4,
305–6, 307 – 9
inter-ethnic conflict, coverage of,
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