The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the new russian nationalism

television, state-aligned (cont.)
Kremlin’s approaches to ethno-
cultural diversity, 300–1
migration, coverage of, 307–8,
319–23, 321–2
migration in Europe coverage,
321–3, 324
nation-building function, 299,
306–10, 328–9
North-Caucasus-related stories,
303–4, 326–8
Russian Orthodox Church
coverage, 307–8, 313–17,
314–15, 329
Ukraine coverage, 324
the West, negative portrayal of,
312, 313, 318–19, 323, 324, 329,
see also Channel 1; Rossiia
territorial expansion see expansionism
geography as destiny rhetoric,
Eurasianists, 62
preferences for territorial
boundaries, NEORUSS survey,
171–2, 175 , 213, 214 , 241–2,
territorial legitimacy of Ukraine,
territorial state identity preference,
ethnic minorities, 171–2, 175,
see also expansionism
Domodedovo International Airport,
302, 327–8, 329
North-Caucasus-related stories
and, 303–4, 326–7
public opinion on Chechen
terrorists, 232–3
Putin’s response to, 231–2, 233,
radical nationalist attacks as, 77–8,
Vladikavkaz bombing, 327, 329
31st day of the month rally, 245
Tishkov, Valerii, 32–3, 36–7, 38, 43,
Tolz, Vera, 22, 36

Tor, Vladimir, 37, 54
tozherossiianin (also-a-Russian-
citizen), 104
Treisman, Daniel, 348
Tuminez, Astrid, 24
2011 protest movement
Bolotnaia movement, 281, 287,
consequences for nationalist
strategies and, 243–4, 255–6
Kremlin’s response to, 238, 351
nationalist opposition activity, 93–4
political parties participating in, 3,
237–8, 243, 255
radical nationalism and, 3, 86,
92–3, 238
united opposition formation, 93–4

current leadership, survey, 195–6,
as EU or Eurasian Union member,
Kremlin narrative of Western-
backed government, 67, 195–6,
201–2, 206, 211, 217, 245
Novorossiia concept, 197, 198
Orange Revolution (2004), 284
ousting of Yanukovych, 243, 260
presidential elections (2014), 194–5
radical nationalists fighting in, 98–9
re-incorporation of,
ethnonationalists, 23
rejection of Ukrainians as marriage
partners, 207–9, 208 , 212
Russian ethnic identity of, 23
in the Russian media, 196, 324
Russian perceptions of Ukrainians,
206, 207–9
territorial legitimacy and borders
of, 196
Ukraine question and anti-migrant
views, 138n
Ukrainian ethnic identity in
Crimea, 188
uniting/dividing factors between
Russians and Ukrainians,
210–12, 211
see also Crimea, annexation of
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