New Right: citizenship 123–4;
Romania 301
new social movements 305–10;
anarchism 249–50
NGOs (non-governmental
organisations) 31
Niekisch, E. 300
Nietzsche, F. 59–61; On the
Genealogy of Morality 60
Night of the Long Knives 290
Nolte, E. 299
Northern Ireland: Bosnia-
Herzegovina 337;
multiculturalism 337; Paisley
114; peace wall 466
Nozick, R. 64–6; Anarchy, State
and Utopia59, 84–8, 94–5,
242–3, 476; Cohen contra
91–2; entitlement theory 85;
just acquisition 85–7;
libertarian theory of justice
84–8; marriage partners 65;
side constraints 184; types of
theory 87–8
nuclear power: rejection 357
nuclear war 360
Nuremberg Laws (1935) 57, 61,
62, 290
Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
403; human rights after 403–8;
process 403–4
Oakeshott, M. 186; conservative
thinking 201–5; Experiences
and its Modes201; On Human
Conduct201, 204, 205;
politicians 203; Rationalism in
Politics202–3; theory of
knowledge 202–3
Obamacare 95
obedience 426–7
obligation 49
Oeuvre France, La 301
offence 48; principle 48
offensiveness 47–9
Ohmae, K. 29–30
Okin, S. 310, 350, 351–2
O’Leary, B.: and Dunleavy, P. 15
Oliver, G. 247
On the Genealogy of Morality
(Nietzsche) 60
On Human Conduct(Oakeshott)
201, 204, 205
On Liberty(Mill) 5, 39–51
On Nationality(Miller) 270–1
Oomemen, T. 132
open borders 259, 275
Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq
(2003) 1
Operation Spanner 35, 50
opportunity: equality of 57–8,
oppression 322
Origin of the Family, Private
Property and the State, The
(Engels) 318
originality 41
Orwell, G. 246
other 27
overpopulation 358, 365, 369
Owen, R. 217–18
Owl of Minerva (Hegel) 400
ownership 90
Oxfam 31
Oxford University 426
pacifism 29, 254
Page Three Bill 325
Paisley, I. 114, 466
Palestine: People’s Liberation
Front 447
Panunzio, S. 286
Parekh, B.: When Will the State
Wither Away 33
Pareto, V.: Manual Of Political
Economy287–8; Mind and
Parfit, D. 498
Paris Commune 221, 222, 223
Parks, Rosa 437–8
participation: problem 105;
solutions 106–7
particularism 488–92; ethical
universalism 271; theory 262
Pateman, C. 129
paternalism 44–6; laws 45; Mills
Paternalistic Intervention: The
Moral Bounds of Benevolence
(Van de Veer) 45
patient-doctor relationship 9
patriarchy 322; citizenship 129;
racism 326
PATRIOT Act (2001) 460
patriotism 12, 489, 490, 494
pattern theory 88, 338
pay: women 320
peace 30, 31
peace wall (Northern Ireland) 466
Peace of Westphalia (1648) 176
People’s Liberation Front
(Palestine) 447
People’s Movement (Italy) 389
perfectionism 59, 61
Persecution and the Art of
Writing(Strauss) 206
Petit, P. and Hamlin, A. 14
Phillips, A. 69
philosophical anarchism 240–3
philosophy 164
Philosophy of Poverty(Proudhon)
Pierrepoint(2005) 156
Pinochet, General A. 123
Plato: Republic 314
Plumb, C. 312
Pogge, T. 487–8
police: power 3; power and
authority 9
polis 13
political authority 4
political conception 492–6
political correctness (pc) 115
Political Liberalism(Rawls) 346
political obligation 425
Political Parties(Michels) 288
political representation 69;
women 127
political system 18
Political System, The(Easton)
17–18, 20, 33
political theory 455
political violence 40, 444–64;
ambiguity and liberal state
450–2; assessment of Salmi
447–8; force/violence
distinction 459–60; Leninist
and Maoist position 453–4;
liberalism 446; Marxism
452–3; questions 463; roots
456–7; September 11th attack
(2001) 461; state 446–7,
457–8; summary 462;
terrorism 448–9
politicians 203
politics: academic political theory
501–2; power 4–5
poll tax 250, 451
Pollitt, K. 351
pollution 359
polyarchies 101
polygyny 349
520 Index