Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 9 Workbook 155

  1. Missing strokes

Complete each character by writing in the missing strokes.

a. zhAng

b. wén

c. huà

d. xiFo

e. duì

f. xiè

g. yH

h. shuD

i. zFo

j. yIu

5.  Total strokes

Rewrite this list of characters, arranging the characters in terms of their total number of
strokes. Begin your list with the character with the fewest strokes.

再 話 明 說 有 可 張 謝 起 見 中 文 對 小 早 分 以

  1. Radicals
    Group the following characters according to the radical they share. There are a total of five

話 呢 他 謝 你 她 是 早 好 嗎 說 們 明

radical characters

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