Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

316 Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese Level 1

k. 她做了很多很好吃的 cài 可是她還說 “沒甚麼 cài。”
Although she has cooked a lot of very delicious dishes, she still said, “there aren’t any special

l. 請 dGng。電 yHng 七點 zhDng 就開 shH。
Please wait a little bit. The movie starts at 7.

m. 我們 hB 了五 ping 可 lè。我不 néng 再 hB 了。
We’ve drunk almost five bottles of cola. I can’t drink any more.

  1. Translation challenge I

Translate these sentences to English.

a. 小張:你覺得我的中文有 jìnbù 嗎?

小謝:當然有 jìnbù。

b. 他剛來,一會兒就走。

c. 我們早就 yCnggAi 來看你了。

d. 你來的時候我在 shuì 覺。真不好 yìsi。

e. 我去年 xià 天在北京 gDngzuò 了。我沒 zhèng 很多錢,可是我覺得住在中國非常有 yìsi。

  1. Translation challenge II

Translate these sentences to Chinese. Use characters wherever we have learned them.

a. Mr. Xie: I’ll drive you home.

Mr. Li: That’s too much trouble for you. I can take the subway back home.

b. Do you listen to music when you study?

c. You should practice writing characters every day. Little by little you will be able to write

d. Although we have just met, I think I already like her a lot.

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