Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 1 Workbook 317

 Focus on communication 

1.  Dialogue comprehension

Study the Lesson 16 Dialogue. Then, read the following statements and indicate whether
they are true (T) or false (F).

a. ( ) 小高來中國已經快一年了。

b. ( ) 小高現在很喜歡住在中國。

c. ( ) SuC 然小張很喜歡學中文,可是他寫漢字寫得不好看。

d. ( ) 剛到中國來的時候,小高不習 guàn 中國的生 huó。

e. ( ) 小張可以跟中國人說話,也說得很快。

f. ( ) 小高和小張的中文有很大的 jìnbù。

g. ( ) 小張 shJjià 會在中國 l 4 yóu。

h. ( ) 小高今年 xià 天會在中國 gDngzuò。

i. ( ) Xià 天過了以後,小張和小高都會回北京學中文。

j. ( ) 小高、小張和小 Yè 打 suan 開車回 sùshè。

  1. What do you say?

What do you say in each of the following situations? Type your answers, using characters
where we have learned them, and email them to your Chinese teacher.

a. Say with amazement how fast a year has gone by.

b. Ask about your friend’s plan for the weekend.

c. Explain to your friend that you were not used to writing characters at first, but you are

d. Offer to give your friend a ride home.

e. Ask if your friend is going back to visit her parents after the summer break begins.

f. Praise your friend for making quick progress in Chinese.

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