Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

30 Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese Level 1

1.3. g, k, h and j, q, x contrasted

Listen to and repeat the following pairs of syllables, paying attention to the contrast
between g, k, h and j, q, x and to the pronunciation of the finals in each syllable.

gù jù huFn xuFn
kJ qJ gJn jJn

hE xE kùn qún
gAn jiAn hùn xùn

gFng jiFng gIng jiIng
guàn juàn kDng qióng

kuAn quAn hóng xióng

  1. Listen and identify

2.1. g, k, and h

Listen to each pair of syllables and circle the syllable that is spoken.

a. gBng kBng b. hAn gAn c. kJ hJ

d. kuàng huàng e. hé gé f. kBi hBi

g. kDng gDng h. guFn kuFn i. hAng gAng

j. guì kuì k. hFo kFo l. hùn gùn

2.2. g, k, h and j, q, x

Listen to each pair of syllables and circle the syllable that is spoken. Pay special attention to
the initials.

a. gAn hAn b. qù jù c. hE xE

d. kè gè e. hèng gèng f. què xuè

g. jiAn xiAn h. huáng kuáng i. xióng qióng

j. guFn juFn k. hùn xùn l. qiAng jiAng

m. xuFn huFn n. kuAn quAn o. gFng jiAng

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