Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 3 Workbook 31

2.3. Finals that begin with i or ü

Listen to each pair of syllables and circle the syllable that is spoken. Pay special attention to
the finals.

a. bào biAo b. jiB juB c. qiA qiB

d. mFo miFo e. liú lóu f. yào yòu

g. jiào jiù h. qiú qiáo i. xiE xiAo

j. niJ niFo k. jEn juAn l. nüè niè

m. xuG xiG n. yIng yFng o. xú xué

2.4. Two-syllable challenge

Listen to each pair of two-syllable words and circle the word that is spoken.

a. piAomiFo pAomáo b. jiàoxiFo jiAoxué

c. xiFo niú xiFoniFo d. xiAoxi xiExi

e. quézi qiézi f. huáqiáo huA qiú

g. yáolán yóulFn h. xiézi xuBzi

i. jiFngyFn jiFnyàn j. qìngjHng jCngjCng

  1. Pronunciation challenges

The phrases and sentences in this section include many words that begin with j, q, and x
to challenge your tongue. In each exercise, listen and repeat until you can say each line

3.1. Challenge your tongue

a. Tóngxué qHng jìn. Classmates, come on in.

b. Xièxie jiGjie. Thanks, older sister.
c. QHng wèn tóngxué. Fellow student, may I ask.

d. Xuésheng gAoxìng. The students are happy.

3.2. Tongue twisters

Learn these tongue twisters one line at a time. Don’t give up until you can say each one as
fast as the recording without making any errors.
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