An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


early black music making in, 96–97
shape-note singing in, 73
slavery in, 96–97
Virginia City, Nevada, 129
Virginia Minstrels, 19c, 134, 135, 137, 141
in American concert music, 124
in band concerts, 116, 165
in bebop, 396, 399
in black dancing, 95
of church choirs, 32
of church organists, 39, 119
in jazz, 296–98
in rock music, 469–72
Vision and Prayer (Babbitt), 392
vocables, 208, 221, 515
Vocalion Records, 337
vocal music, concert programming of,
57–58; see also specifi c genres
“Voice of By Gone Days, The”
(Foster), 150
Voidoids, the, 473
Volk, das, 205
Volt Records, 463
Von Tilzer, Harry, 244–45
Voting Rights Act (1965), 431

W. A. Mahara’s Colored Minstrels, 237
Wagner, Richard, 83, 167, 191, 324, 363
music dramas of, 232
“Wai okeaniani,” 524–26
“Wait ’till the Sun Shines, Nellie”
(Sterling and Von Tilzer),
“Walk, Don’t Run,” 454
walkaround, 159
Walker, Aaron “T-Bone,” 421
Walker, George, 242
Walker, Shirley, 503
Walker, William, 29, 73, 284, 286
walking bass, 291, 376, 399
“Walking Blues” (Johnson), 333–35, 337
“Walking the Floor over You,” 419
“Walk This Way,” 512
Waller, Thomas “Fats,” 328, 377, 397
Wallfl owers, 538
Wall of Sound, 452, 454, 455
Walter, Thomas, 31
waltz, 116, 178–81, 221, 234, 249
Ward, Clara, 339
Ward, Robert, 391
War Dance, 516–18
Ware, Charles Pickard, 225, 226
Warhol, Andy, 473
Warner Brothers Records, 499, 546
War of Independence, 34–36, 45–47,
50, 53, 54
washboard, 521
Washington, Booker T., 227
Washington, D.C., 298–99, 329, 508, 514
jazz in, 291
musical scholarship in, 349,
355, 357
Washington, Dinah, 421, 421
Washington, George, 53, 54

Washington Square (fi lm), 367
washtub bass, in jug bands, 337
Watergate, 469
Waters, Ethel, 261
Waters, Muddy (McKinley Morganfi eld),
421, 439, 469, 483
Watson, John F., 103–4
Watts, Howard, 417
Watts, Isaac, 74, 77, 80, 92
Waxman, Franz, 363
W BA P radio (Fort Worth, Texas), 265
“We Are One” concert (2009), 387c
Weather Report, 483
Weavers, The, 386c, 431, 432
Webb, George James, 78
Weber, Carl Maria von, 111, 231
Webern, Anton, 390, 447
Webster, Ben, 330
Webster, Joseph P., 174
“Weeping, Sad and Lonely, or W hen
This Cruel War Is Over”
(Tucker), 159
Weil, Cynthia, 464
Weill, Kurt, 389
Welch, Gillian, 540–42
“Welcome to My World,” 457
Welles, Orson, 368
Wells, Dicky, 380
Wells, Kitty, 419
“We Shall Overcome,” 437, 439
Wesley, Charles, 71–72
West, Kanye, 544
West Coast jazz, 402
West Coast rap, 543, 544
“West End Blues” (Oliver), 295, 296
westerns (fi lm), 367
western swing, 345–48
West Indies, 129
reggae in, 463
slavery in, 86
West Side Story (Bernstein and
Sondheim), 406–10, 485–87
westward expansion, 206
Wexler, Jerry, 463
whammy bar, 454
“W hat Is This Thing Called Love?”
(Porter), 381, 383–84,
464, 492
What’s Going On (Gaye), 478
W heeler, Hugh, 486–87
“W hen This Cruel War Is Over.” See
“Weeping, Sad and Lonely”
“W hen You and I Were Young”
(Butterfi eld), 156
“W here or W hen” (Rodgers and Hart),
W hig Party, 153
W histler, James, 321
W hite, Barry, 479
White, Benjamin Franklin, 19c, 73–74
W hite, George L., 226
White Album, The (the Beatles), 548
“W hite Christmas” (Berlin), 344
W hiteman, Paul, 297, 298, 318, 319,
321, 322

“W hite Rabbit” (Jefferson Airplane),
White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands
(Jackson), 69
Whitfi eld, Norman, 464, 465
W hitlock, William M. “Billy,” 134,
W hitman, Walt, on opera, 111
W hitney Warner publishers, 176
W hittier, John Greenleaf, 197
W ho, the, 485
Whole Booke of Psalmes, Collected into
Englishe Meter (“Old
Version”), 26
Wilberforce College (Ohio), 227, 324
Wilder, Thornton, 367
Wild Ones, The (fi lm), 473
“Wild Side of Life,” 419
Wild Wood Spirit’s Chant, The
(Heinrich), 124
William Morris Agency, 176
Williams, Bert, 242
Williams, Clarence, 409
Williams, Cootie, 299, 301
Williams, Hank, 419 , 419–20, 427,
500, 540
Williams, John, 500 , 500–502
Williams, Lucinda, 540
Williams, Marion, 339, 340
Williams, Martin, 405
Williams, Mary Lou, 255c, 330, 330
Williams, Todd, 534
Williamsburg, Virginia, 58
Williams Mix (Cage), 392, 395
Willis, Johnnie Lee, 348
Wills, Bob, 346–48, 347 , 500
“Will the Circle Be Unbroken,” 268,
342; see also “Can the Circle
Be Unbroken”
“Will You Love Me Tomorrow” (Goffi n
and King), 452
Wilson, Brian, 454
Wilson, George, 51
Wilson, Nancy, 441
Wilson, Robert, 490
Winans, Robert, 138
wire brushes, 325, 378, 457
Wise, Chubby, 417
“With a Song in My Heart” (Rodgers
and Hart), 371
“With God on Our Side” (Dylan), 437
Witmark, Julius P., 176
Wiz, The (Smalls), 485
Wizard of Oz, The (fi lm), 364, 364
W LS radio (Chicago), 265, 343, 344
Wolff, Christian, 395
Wolverines Orchestra, 297
as actresses, 60
as audience members, 129
in bands, 170
as composers, 187–89; see also
specifi c composers, e.g.:
Seeger, Ruth Crawford
“girl groups,” 538

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