An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

illusion of movement in, 47–49, 50
illusion of succession in, 49
international, 461–72
labor and unions and, 503–4
length of, 441
the making of, 491–95
movement in, 50
narrative in, 39–40
overview, 1–34
patterns in, 42–46
persistence of vision in, 49
postproduction of, 494–95
preproduction of, 492–93
production of, 493–94
realism and antirealism in,
56,56–60,205, 358
space/time manipulation in,
51, 51n, 52
types of, 70–115
verisimilitude in, 58–60,59,189,
202, 205, 211, 279, 358, 392,
398, 402
see alsofilms; specific topics
movie stars, 299–302, 302
what makes, 301
moving camera, 434
moving frame, 202, 208
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town(Capra), 451
Mrs. Dalloway(Woolf ), 407
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
(Capra), 451
Mühe, Ulrich, 144
Mulholland Dr.(Lynch), 70, 202
Mulligan, Carey, 128
Mulligan, Robert, To Kill a
Mockingbird, 79
multiple narrators, 125
Mumbai noir, 472
Mummy, The(Freund), 99
Mungiu, Cristian, 4 months,
3 weeks & 2 days, 21, 22
Munro, Steve, 400, 418
Muraki, Shinobu, 201
Muraki, Yoshiro, 201
Murch, Walter, 343, 351, 390, 394,
395, 419, 420
Murderball(Rubin and Shapiro), 67
Murmur of the Heart(Malle), 459
Murnau, F. W., 155, 179, 182, 197, 198,
212,230, 265, 277, 318, 495
The Last Laugh,297, 444, 446
Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror,
99, 444, 446
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans,

Murphy, Dudley, 313
Ballet mécanique, 77, 79
Murphy, Eddie, 313
Murphy, Richard, 279
Murray, Bill, 90
Murray, Jack, 359
musical genre, 93, 105–8
music in film, 403–9,406, 407
Music Man, The(DaCosta), 108
Music Room, The(S. Ray), 172, 201
Mussolini, Benito, movies and,
455, 456
Muybridge, Eadweard, 436–37, 437
Myasnikov, Gennadi, 197
My Beautiful Laundrette(Frear), 172
My Darling Clementine(Ford), 88,
105,205–6, 237, 237,371,
398, 414
My Dog Skip(Russell), 316
My Life as a Dog(Hallström), 326, 419
My Life in Art(Stanislavsky), 303
My Night at Maud’s(Rohmer), 459
Myrick, Daniel, The Blair Witch
Project, 102
Mystic River(Eastwood), 326
My Week with Marilyn(Curtis), 156

Nagoyqatsi(Reggio), 277
Nair, Mira, 472
Nakajima, Shozaburo, 201
Nakata, Hideo, Ringu, 100, 102
Naked(Leigh), 321
Naked City, The(Dassin), 96
Naked Spur, The(Mann), 105
Nanook of the North(Flaherty), 71–72,
72,443, 448
Napoléon(Gance), 151, 248, 375, 448
Naremore, James, 433
narration, 159–60, 400–401, 400
auditory point of view as, 159
defined, 122
direct address, 123
narrative, 4,36, 66–70,68, 82,127,
analyzing of, 162–63, 165
beginnings of, 439, 440
characters and, 127–31,128, 158,
160, 162–63, 165
climax in, 135–36
conflict in, 136
crisis in, 135, 136
cultural traditions, 5
defined, 3, 39, 122

diegetic and nondiegetic
elements in, 161–62, 408
dramatic structure in, 136
duration in, 149–53, 164
elements of, 131–36
events in, 148–49,149,162–64
formula vs. structure, 131
order in, 145–48,147, 161
plot in, 161–64
repetition in, 154–55, 164
resolution in, 136, 136, 161
rising action in, 135
scope and, 156–57,157,166–67
screenwriter and, 136–37
setting and, 155, 156,164–66
setting in, 164–66
Stagecoachanalyzed as, 157–67,
162–63, 165
stakes in, 134, 136
story and plot in, 140–45,141,157,
structure in, 131–36
suspense in, 164
suspense vs. surprise in, 153–54,
three-act structure and, 160–61
narrative films, 39–40, 70, 83
narratology, 137, 140
narrators, 126,127, 159–60
camera as, 123
defined, 122
first-person, 123
multiple, 125
narration and, 122–27
omniscient, 125
restricted, 126, 127
third-person, 125
voice-over, 72, 74, 95, 123, 125
Naruse, Mikio, Avalanche, 325 n
national cinema, 461
National Industrial Recovery Act of
1933, 501
National Velvet, 302
Native American, casting and, 314
Natural Born Killers(Stone), 230, 305
naturalistic vs. nonnaturalistic
styles, 318–20, 319
Naughton, Bill, 123
Nausicaä(Miyazaki), 98
Navarro, Guillermo, 247
in movies, 25,41, 123, 124,125, 275
propaganda films and, 73, 73
Neame, Ronald, 146
negative, 435

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