An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Spacek, Sissy, 258,293–94, 329,
space/time manipulation, 51,
51 n, 52
Spacey, Kevin, 41, 147,215, 216, 220,
305, 419
Spanish Prisoner, The(Mamet), 400
Sparling, Kent, 410
Spartacus(Kubrick), 60, 257, 405
spatialization of time, 51
spatial relationships in editing,
344–45,347, 361
Spears, Eddie, 314
special effects, 50,51, 98
cinematography and, 279–83,
280, 281
impact on acting, 309–10
in-camera, 279, 280
laboratory, 279, 280
mechanical, 279, 280
Spectrum of Multiple Stars, A: Wang
Chuanru(Tam), 469
speed, film, 230
and length of shot, 275–79
Spencer, Dorothy, 371
Spencer, Katie, 183
SPFX, seespecial effects
Spiegel, Sam, 502
Spielberg, Steven, 364, 388, 474
The Adventures of Tintin, 516
Close Encounters of the Third Kind,
97, 281
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, 309
Jaws,133, 280, 415, 419
Jurassic Park,59, 179, 264–65, 264,
Saving Private Ryan,156, 503
War of the Worlds, 97,179, 291,
388, 410–14,411, 412, 413
Spiral Staircase, The(Siodmak), 199
Spirited Away(Miyazaki), 113, 392
Spitzig, Ichelle, 176
splicing, 340
split screen, 53, 54, 341,374–75,375,
384, 448
sprocketed rollers, 487
Spy Kids(Rodriquez), 517
Square, The(Edgerton), 96
Squaw Man, The(DeMille), 442
Staenberg, Zach, 351
Stagecoach(Ford), 88, 103, 157–67,
158, 159, 162–63, 207,231,
232,314, 315, 366
auditory point of view in, 159

characters in, 158,160, 162–63
diegetic and nondiegetic
elements in, 161–62
duration in, 164
events in, 162–64, 162–63
order in, 161
plot in, 161–64
repetition in, 164
scope in, 166–67
setting in, 164–66
story in, 161–62
suspense in, 164
“Stage to Lordsburg” (Haycox),
staging, 172, 178
Stahl, John M., 172
Staiger, Janet, 434
Staiola, Enzo, 200,456, 457
stakes, 134, 136
Stalker(Tarkovsky), 98
Stamp, Terrence, 126
stand-ins, 315, 493
Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 302–3,
318, 449
Stanislavsky system, 302–4, 320
Stanton, Andrew, WALL-E,403,
Stanton, Harry Dean, 416
Stanwyck, Barbara, 259,293, 300,
330–33,331, 332, 453
Stapleton, Oliver, 260
Star Is Born, A(Cukor), 108
Star Machine, The(Basinger),
300, 432
Starman(Carpenter), 292, 308
Starr, Beau, 374
Starship Troopers(Verhoeven), 99
star system, 441, 473
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
(Nimoy), 191
Star Wars(Lucas), 68,156, 281,
345, 372
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
(Lucas), 309
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
(Marquand), 191, 281
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
(Lucas), 309
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
(Kershner), 281, 405
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
(Lucas), 309, 490
Star Warsmovies, 23, 25, 68,97, 127,
281, 309, 449

Steadicam, 185, 266, 272–74,273,
278, 382
Steadicam Ultra 2, 273
Stealers Wheel, 405
Stefano, Joseph, 42
Steiger, Rod, 275
Steiner, Max, 404
Steinfeld, Hailee, 126
Steinkamp, Fredric, 346
Stella(Erman), 331
Stella Dallas(Vidor), 330–33,331,
332,334, 336
stereoscopy, 516
see also3–D cinematography
Sternberg, Josef von, 179, 240,322,
326, 327
Stevens, Charles, 398
Stevens, George, 304
Giant, 302
A Place in the Sun, 302
Shane, 103
Swing Time, 108
Stevenson, John, Kung Fu Panda,
70, 129
Stewart, James, 126, 174, 175,300,
315, 365, 368, 368, 451,
Stewart, James G., 400, 418, 423,
stock, seefilm stock
stock players, 300
Stoltz, Eric, 138
Stone, Oliver, 269, 288, 408, 419,
Natural Born Killers,230, 305
W, 288
Stone Temple Pilots, 408
stop-motion animation, 111–12
stop-motion photography, 440, 448
Storaro, Vittorio, 157
story, 157–59, 161–62
backstory and, 143, 148
causality and, 68, 142
construct, 143
defined, 140
duration, 149, 150, 152, 164
formula, 87
and plot, 140–45, 141
of Stagecoach(Ford), 157–59,
storyboard, 202, 213
Strada, La(Fellini), 328
Strange Love of Martha Ivers,
The(Milestone), 257, 259


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