
(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Singers and Performers of Opera

The largest compilation is the most valuable:

  1. Kutsch, Karl Josef, and Leo Riemens. Grosses Sänger-Lexikon. 3rd ed. Bern:
    Saur, 1997. 6v. ISBN 3-598-11250-5. ML105 .K83.
    First edition, 1962, as Kleiner Sängerlexikonand reissued in a second edition
    under that title in 1966. In 1975 and 1982 there were revisions under the name
    Unvergängliche Stimmen Sängerlexikon.An English translation of the 1966
    version appeared as A Concise Biographical Dictionary of Singers (Philadel-
    phia: Chilton, 1969). In the current manifestation, there are entries for about
    12,000 persons, many of them truly obscure (there are 5 named Albanese).
    Information given includes life and career and critical observations; some
    recordings are noted. No bibliographies. V.6 has an index of opera and
    operetta titles mentioned in the text.

The remaining books of collective opera biography are listed by author:

  1. Barbier, Patrick. La maison des italiens: Les castrats à Versailles.Paris: Gras-
    set, 1998. 302p. ISBN 2-246-52591-8. ML400 .B373.
    A narrative history of the castrati, with their social and economic life in Paris.
    Much biographical information about leading performers of the ancien
    régime.Backnotes, bibliography of about 100 entries, name index.

  2. Blanchard, Roger, and Roland de Candé. Dieux et divas de l’opéra. Paris:
    Plon, 1986–1987. 2v. ISBN 22-5901-4291. ML400 .B59.
    A narrative account of opera with singer biographies interspersed as they
    appeared on the scene. Coverage is from 1600 to Maria Callas. Portraits, criti-
    cal comments, footnotes, bibliography and name index in each volume.

  3. Celletti, Rodolfo. Le grandi voci.Rome: Istituto per la Collaborazione Cultur-
    ale, 1964. xiv, lp, 1,044 columns, lp. ML400 C44.
    Biographies of about 250 singers, with perceptive comments, portraits, and

  4. Celletti, Rodolfo. Voce di tenore. Milan: IdeaLibri, 1989. 264p. ISBN 88-
    7082-1277. ML400 .C442.
    Biographical information is interwoven with a narrative account of tenor
    singing from the 16th to the 20th century. There are interesting sections on
    singers of certain styles, from various countries, and with composer associa-
    tions. No notes or bibliography; with name and title index.

  5. Christiansen, Rupert. Prima Donna: A History. New York: Viking, 1985.
    366p. ISBN 0-670-80482-7. ML1700 .C56.
    A popular account of the leading stars, with quotations but no footnotes, and
    a weak bibliography. Of interest for comments in the affinity groups (singers of
    Mozart, of Wagner, etc.). Name and title index.

44 Opera


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