5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

10 › STEP 1. Set Up Your Study Program

(Check off the activities as you complete them.)

— Determine into which student mode you would
place yourself.
— Read Step 1 of this manual.
— Take a look at the Diagnostic Test in Step 2 to
get an idea of the expectations of the AP exam.
— Become acquainted with the College Board AP
Web site.
— Read and study the sections for Periods 1 and 2
in this manual.
— Begin to do outside reading on world history
— Begin to use this book as a resource.


— Read the section of Chapter 4 on strategies for
the continuity and change over time essay.
— Take the continuity and change over time sec-
tion of the Diagnostic Test.
— Read and study the world history review sec-
tions that correspond with the period(s) you are
studying in class.


— Study the world history review sections in the
manual for the areas you have already stud-
ied in class. Note the connections of trade,
exchange, and migration among world societies.
— Read additional sources to supplement the
material in your textbook. Consult the bibliog-
raphy of this manual for suggested titles.


— Form a study group to prepare for the AP exam.
— Continue critical reading of material to supple-
ment your textbook.
— Study the world history review sections for mate-
rial you are currently covering in class.


— Read the section of Chapter 4 of this manual
on the comparative essay.
— Write the comparative essay from the Diagnos-
tic Test.
— Read the section of Chapter 4 of the manual on
the document-based essay question.
— Write the DBQ (document-based essay ques-
tion) from the Diagnostic Test.
— Continue reviewing content from the world
history review chapters.
— Read the section of Chapter 4 on the multiple-
choice section.
— Take the multiple-choice section in the Diagnos-
tic Test.


— Take Practice Test One in the first week of April.
— Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.
— Study appropriate chapters to correct weaknesses.
— Study the Period Summary for each period in
this manual to review key comparisons and
changes and continuities.
— Within your study group, construct your own
comparative and continuity and change over
time charts for each unit.

May—First Two Weeks (You’re almost there!)

— Make a list of materials that you are unsure of,
and ask your teacher or study group to explain
— Take Practice Test Two.
— Evaluate your performance.
— On the day before the test, put away your books,
do something fun, and get a good night’s rest.
— Walk into the examination room with confi-
dence. You’re ready!

Calendar for Each Plan

Plan A: You Have a Full School Year to Prepare

Get more in-depth with your readings. If you can spark a stronger interest in the subject, it is much less diffi cult to
retain the information.—AP student
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