5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Take a Diagnostic Exam h 19

  1. Which of the following belief systems were
    characterized by a belief in prophets and were
    spread through missionary effort?
    (A) Christianity and Judaism
    (B) Christianity and Islam
    (C) Buddhism and Islam
    (D) Buddhism and Christianity

  2. Which of the following is true of both the Han
    Empire and the Gupta Empire?
    (A) Both empires had long-established tradi-
    tions of dynastic rule.
    (B) Both were overrun by Germanic tribes in
    theirdeclining years.
    (C) Both empires were characterized by reli-
    gious unity.
    (D) Both saw a number of technological

  3. The Buddhist social order included
    (A) strict adherence to patriarchal authority
    (B) opposition to caste systems
    (C) well-defi ned gender-role distinctions
    (D) emphasis on well-educated rulers

  4. Which of the following was most characteristic
    of the Neolithic Revolution?
    (A) Widespread epidemic disease
    (B) An increase in the nomadic way of life
    (C) Greater numbers of settled communities
    (D) Global population decline

  5. Which of the following describes a difference
    between Arab expansion of the seventh century
    and Viking expansion of the ninth century?
    (A) Viking expansion required greater maritime
    technology than Arab expansion.
    (B) Arab expansion included Western Europe,
    whereas Viking expansion did not.

(C) Arab expansion took place over longer dis-
tances than Viking expansion.
(D) The Vikings attempted to change the culture
of conquered peoples, whereas the Arabs did

  1. In the period between 600 and 1450, Indian
    Ocean trade differed from that of the Pacifi c
    Ocean in that it
    (A) involved contacts with the islands of
    (B) involved only spices
    (C) involved competition among a more diverse
    group of traders
    (D) involved commerce across large stretches of

  2. During the fourteenth century, Ibn Battuta
    traveled to all the following regions EXCEPT
    (A) East Africa
    (B) West Africa
    (C) East Asia
    (D) Central Asia

  3. Which of the following was the most urbanized
    during the period 1750 to 1914?
    (A) China
    (B) India
    (C) Russia
    (D) England

  4. The responsibilities of the samurai to the shogun
    (A) were based on individual, rather than
    group, loyalties
    (B) involved a contractual relationship similar
    to that of feudal Europe
    (C) provided an honorable alternative to retreat
    or defeat
    (D) promoted centralized government in Japan


Section I


Time—55 minutes
70 questions

Directions: Each of the incomplete statements or questions below is followed by four answer choices. Choose
the answer that is best and mark the letter of your choice on the answer sheet supplied.

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