AP Statistics 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
a.          P   (hit    on  second  shot)   =   0.28    +   0.24    =   0.52
b. P (miss on first | hit on second) = (0.24)/(0.52) = 6/13 = 0.46.

  1. Let p 1 be the true proportion who planned to vote for Buffy before her remarks. Let p 2 be the true

proportion  who plan    to  vote    for Buffy   after   her remarks.

We  want    to  use a   2-proportion    z test  for this    situation.  The problem tells   us  that    the samples are
random samples.

Now,    72(0.83),   72(1    –   0.83),  80(0.70),   and 80(1    –   0.70)   are all greater than    5,  so  the conditions  for
the test are present.

Because P is    very    low,    we  reject  the null.   We  have    reason  to  believe that    the level   of  support for
Buffy has declined since her “unfortunate” remarks.

  1.          The data    are paired, so  we  will    use a   matched pairs   test.

Let μ (^) d = the true mean difference between Twin A and Twin B for identical twins reared apart.
We want to use a one-sample t -test for this situation. We need the difference scores:
A dotplot of the difference scores shows no significant departures from normality:

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