AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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❯ Answers and Explanations

  1. C—Gestalt therapy includes the use of dream interpretation. What Jenna reported was
    the manifest content of her dream and what her analyst attempts to interpret is the
    latent or hidden meaning to help her gain insight into her problems.

  2. B—Psychiatrists are medical doctors who can prescribe medications and are more likely
    to use a somatic treatment than to utilize another psychotherapy. Clinical psychologists
    are often eclectic and have good training in many of the therapies currently used.

  3. D—Major depression. For patients who are potentially suicidal, ECT proves to be a
    fairly quick and effective treatment. Its mechanism in the brain is still not entirely

  4. B—Dr. Chambers first worked with Tommy to create an anxiety hierarchy of Tommy’s
    fears, and then attempted to use the counterconditioning therapy of systematic desen-
    sitization to prevent the phobic response, which is incompatible with relaxation.

  5. E—The goal of psychoanalysis is to uncover the hidden childhood trauma and make
    this unconscious conflict conscious so that the patient can gain insight into the prob-
    lem. Psychoanalysis does not offer a cure; rather it offers the patient better understand-
    ing of the source of the problem.

  6. D—Psychoanalytic therapy is a long, expensive type of therapy that cannot be provided
    at community mental health centers.

  7. C—Deinstitutionalization was intended to result in better services for patients closer to
    their homes. Unexpectedly, former clients did not continue to seek out services and
    went off their medications. They now are part of the growing homeless population in
    America, making up 40% of that adult population according to some estimates. Many
    are suffering from some form of schizophrenia.

  8. A—Vic is most likely engaging in client-centered or person-centered therapy.
    Therapists take a nondirective approach and encourage clients to discuss their feelings
    in a nonjudgmental setting. Through active listening, the clients become aware of their
    feelings and are better able to clarify their emotions and take responsibility for future
    growth towards full potential.

  9. E—Prozac is one of a category of drugs called SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake
    inhibitors. By increasing the length of time serotonin stays in the synaptic cleft, sero-
    tonin becomes more available. Many sufferers of depression see mood improvement in
    about 2 weeks. The SSRIs have fewer side effects than the older tricyclic and MAO

  10. B—Group therapy is effective for all of the reasons given, with the exception that it
    does not utilize a trained professional. Psychotherapists are necessary in this dynamic
    process to give needed direction and counseling to all involved clients.

  11. C—REBT, devised by Albert Ellis, can be a very confrontational cognitive treatment.
    The hope is that by facing the irrationality of their belief systems, clients like Drew will
    become more rational in how they view the world.

  12. B—Antabuse is an aversive therapy because of the punishing effects of the nausea,
    which, through repeated pairings, leads to the extinction of the desire for alcohol. As in
    all classically conditioned therapies, occasional repairing of the alcohol and Antabuse
    will be necessary to maintain its effectiveness over the long term.

  13. A—A psychiatrist would prescribe lithium carbonate for Andre’s symptoms of bipolar
    disorder. Though the chemical nature of mania is not completely understood, the
    metal lithium is effective with many patients. However, care must be taken to avoid

Treatment of Psychological Disorders ❮ 239


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