AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
lithium poisoning. Some patients might still suffer depressive symptoms, and a combi-
nation of an antidepressant drug with lithium is often used.

  1. E—Both medical doctors, Galen and Hippocrates pursued the belief that imbalances
    in the body were the bases for abnormal behavior, much as the biomedical approach
    today believes that neurochemical and hormonal balances underlie disorders.

  2. A—Though there have been conflicting individual studies, meta-analysis of 475 stud-
    ies found that psychotherapy was effective in treating psychological disorders. Although
    cognitive-behavioral approaches to therapy are popular today for treating a wide vari-
    ety of disorders, no single treatment has been found more effective for all types of
    mental health problems.

❯ Rapid Review

Professionals who treat people with psychopathologies include:
Psychiatrists—medical doctors (M.D.); can prescribe medication and perform surgery.
Clinical psychologists—have doctoral degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.); use different thera-
peutic approaches depending on training and diagnosis.
Counseling psychologists—have Ph.D., Ed.D., Psy.D., or M.A. in counseling; tend
to deal with less severe mental health problems.
Psychoanalysts—may or may not be psychiatrists, but follow the teaching of Freud
and practice psychoanalysis or other psychodynamic therapies.
Clinical or psychiatric social workers—have masters degree in social work (M.S.W.).

240 ❯ STEP 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High

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