New York City SHSAT 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Recommended Time—75 Minutes

Paragraphs 1–5: Scrambled Paragraphs


Below are six sentences that form a paragraph. The first sentence is given; the remaining five sentences are listed in
random order. Choose the order for these five sentences that will create the best paragraph, one that is both well
organized and grammatically correct. Each correctly ordered paragraph is worth double the value of a question in
any other section of the test. No credit will be given for responses that are only partially correct.

Paragraph 1

The wimple was a type of headdress originally worn by women in medieval Europe.

Q. Europeans adopted this design in the 12th century when crusaders returned with Muslim veils
from the Near East.
R. More elaborate than the modern hat, the wimple draped down from the top of the wearer’s
head to cover her neck and wrap around her chin.
S. The wimple eventually fell out of fashion in the 14th century, but descendants of the hat are still
worn by members of certain religious orders.
T. While the Muslim veils were often colorful, the European wimple was generally made of
white linen or silk.
U. Like many developments in dress, this design was not an indigenous evolution but the direct
influence of an alien group.


Paragraph 2

Although Columbus is usually credited with the discovery of America in 1492, he may not have been the first European to
visit the New World.

Q. After a long and arduous journey, Eriksson and his men landed on an unexplored continent with
particularly lush vegetation.
R. He named this new country “Vinland,” because he believed that excellent wines could be
grown there.


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