Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Directions: You have    50  minutes to  answer  the TWO questions   that    follow. Your    answer  should
present an argument rather than a list of facts. Make sure to incorporate psychological terminology
into your answers whenever possible.

  1. Many different kinds of psychological researchers spend their careers studying the process of
    attitude formation.
    (A) Explain how the following psychological principles influence attitudes:
    ■ Cognitive dissonance
    ■ Schema
    ■ Reciprocal determinism
    ■ Locus of control
    ■ Belief bias
    ■ Fundamental attribution error
    (B) Describe two interventions a psychologist might use to change a prejudiced attitude. One
    intervention should be based on the behaviorist perspective and one intervention should use
    the cognitive perspective.

  2. Professor Kester, a developmental psychologist, is investigating the long-term effects of different
    parenting styles. Her hypothesis is: Children of parents who use the permissive parenting style will
    be more independent as adults than children of authoritarian or authoritative parents.
    (A) Describe how Professor Kester could test this hypothesis. Include the following elements in
    your description:
    ■ Identify the two key variables in this hypothesis and explain a possible operational
    definition for each variable.
    ■ Briefly describe two studies that could test this hypothesis, one using the cross-sectional
    method and one using the longitudinal method.
    ■ Explain how Professor Kester could ensure that her study will meet at least 3 of the 5
    ethical requirements for research involving human participants.
    (B) Predict what Professor Kester might discover based on your knowledge of parenting style

Multiple-Choice Error Analysis Sheet

After checking your answers on the practice test, you might want to gauge your areas of relative strength
and weakness. This sheet will help you to classify your errors by topic area. By circling the numbers of
the questions you answered incorrectly, you can get a picture of which areas you need to study the most.

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