Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (D) Bipolar disorder has been linked to an excess of acetylcholine receptors. The manic phase
    responds well to lithium, and the depressed phase responds well to antidepressant medications. In
    addition, much research suggests that bipolar disorder runs in families. Though we may be
    predisposed to develop certain phobias more easily than others, phobias are well explained by and
    treated from other perspectives, particularly the behaviorist perspective. The existence of
    dissociative identity disorder is hotly debated; those who believe in its existence generally posit a
    traumatic event in childhood as a cause. Conversion disorders have become increasingly
    uncommon in the United States; such a change argues against a genetic cause as the gene pool
    remains relatively stable. Further, a conversion disorder involves a physical complaint in the
    absence of a physical symptom and is therefore unlikely to have a biological cause.

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