Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (E) Since Coach Peterson takes away playing time that Jake usually has, the technique described is
    omission training. An example of positive punishment would have been if the coach had Jake run
    laps (added something unpleasant). Neither negative reinforcement nor positive reinforcement
    would have been a good tactic for the coach to use on Jake’s lateness, since, by definition, they
    would have encouraged Jake to be late again. However, the coach could reinforce Jake’s future
    appropriate behaviors toward the same end. He could praise Jake when he arrives on time
    (positive reinforcement) or excuse Jake from the laps run at the end of practice when he is on time
    (negative reinforcement). Modeling is learning via observation and imitation; the coach could
    model being on time himself.

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