Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (D) One of the more impressive feats cited by those who believe that animals are capable of true
    language is that some apes have been able to use words they were taught to express novel
    concepts. For instance, Washoe, who didn’t know the word for refrigerator, was able to describe it
    as a “cold box.” Chomsky speaks of a language acquisition device, but the term does not refer to a
    physical structure in the brain. Even though primates are able to learn words that result in food
    rewards, critics of the idea that animals have language say these words are merely the result of
    operant conditioning and do not evidence true language. There is no doubt that animals including
    honeybees and dolphins can communicate with one another and with people to some extent;
    however, there is much debate over what should be considered “language.” Young apes are much
    slower to pick up new vocabulary than are young humans.

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