Private Tutor Sat Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(D) “both” does not go with “and as.”
(E) “both” does not go with “yet.”

Revised sentence:

The complex verse and intermingling of past,
present, and future in Faulkner’s writing strike
many readers as both frustrating and
decidedly genius.

Correct Answer: (B)

10.Nutritionists have found that complex
carbohydrates are most likely to provide essential
nutrients than simple carbohydrates.

(A) are most likely to provide essential nutrients
than simple carbohydrates
(B) are more likely to provide essential nutrients
compared to simple carbohydrates
(C) are more likely than simple carbohydrates to
provide essential nutrients
(D) compared with simple carbohydrates most
likely provide essential nutrients
(E) more likely provide essential nutrients than
in simple carbohydrates

There are a couple errors in the sentence as written. There is a Counting Error and the Comparison is
Unclear. Check the word “most.” Most compares three or more things. How many things are being compared?
Two: complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. “Most” should be “more.”

(B) the construction of the comparison is off. We have a “more,” which is correct, but
the more needs to be combined with a than rather than a “compared to.”
(C) we have a “more” and it is connected to a “than,” so even though the sentence might
sound a bit awkward it is grammatically correct.
(D) we have a “most” instead of a “more” so we can eliminate (D).
(E) “than in” is not idiomatically correct as used in this sentence.

Revised sentence:

Nutritionists have found that complex
carbohydrates are more likely than complex
simple carbohydrates to provide essential

Correct Answer: (C)

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