Private Tutor Sat Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


At first glance, ETS seems to be testing SVA, but the sentence actually contains a Run-on error. Check the
simple present tense verb “is.” Who or what “is”? Dependency. Singular verb and singular subject checks. But
look at the non-underlined portion of the sentence. There is progressively more dependency on text messages is
a complete phrase that can stand on its own and some people still refuse to text is also a complete sentence that
can stand on its own. We have a run-on.

(B) “are” is plural and “dependency” is singular.
(C) “because there are” doesn’t form the right relationship. People are not refusing to text
BECAUSE there is more dependency. Also, the “are” should be “is.”
(D) “In that there is” doesn’t form the right relationship between the growing dependency and the
refusal to text.
(E) “although there is” sets up the right relationship. There is a dependency on texts BUT some
people still refuse to text. We need a conjunction that sets up the flip in the sentence.

Revised sentence:

Although there is progressively more dependency
on text messages, some people still refuse to text,
especially those who prefer to talk to someone on
the phone.

Correct Answer: (E)

  1. There is progressively more dependency on text
    messages, some people still refuse to text,
    especially those who prefer to talk to someone on
    the phone.

(A) There is
(B) There are
(C) Because there are
(D) In that there is
(E) Although there is

  1. The complex verse and intermingling of past,
    present, and future in Faulkner’s writing strike
    many readers as both frustrating but decidedly

(A) but
(B) and
(C) but also
(D) and as
(E) yet

ETS is testing Idiom. Spot the “both” and the underlined “but” and remember that both always goes with and.

(B) we have a winner. “Both” should be paired with “and.”
(C) “both” does not go with “but also.”

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