Eureka Math Algebra II Study Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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142 | Index

Representation: providing English language
learners (ELLs) with multiple means of, 53;
providing students performing above grade
level with, 56; providing students with
disabilities with multiple means of, 54; providing
students performing below grade level with
multiple means of, 55
Response to Intervention (RTI), 2
“Rigid thinking” habit, 13
Rigor aspects: application, 13; in the assessments,
50; conceptual understanding, 12–13;
instructional shifts supporting, 12–14; lesson
structure and Instructional Shifts of, 30;
procedural skills and fluency, 13
Riverbed modeling, 66

Sample space, 100
Samples: differentiating between population
characteristics and statistic of, 103; distinction
between characteristics of population and
statistics of, 103; drawing conclusion using
data from a, 95, 102–105; evaluating reports
based on data from a, 105
Savings plans: calculating a $1 million dollar, 94;
mathematics of a structured, 94
Scaffolding: for English Language Learners (ELLs),
52–53; Eureka Math use of, 2; lesson boxes on
suggestions for, 30; Response to Intervention
(RTI) supported by, 2; A Story of Functions
integrated with, 51–56; for students performing
above grade level, 56; for students performing
below grade level, 55–56; for students with
disabilities, 53–55
Secant functions: define co-functions and, 76;
introduction to, 74
Section 504 plans, 53
Sequences: definition and function of, 10;
geometric sequences and exponential growth
and decay, 93
Sine functions: determining values of, 75;
development in India (500 C.E.) of the, 73–74;
extending the domain to all real numbers, 76;
Ferris Wheel model used to explore the, 74;
graphing, 76; transforming graph of the, 77–78
Socratic discussions, 1
Socratic lessons: description and activities of, 29;
icon indicating a, 29fig
Solving equations: complex numbers as solutions
to, 68–69; description of, 10; exponential, 92;
logarithmic, 88; Major Emphasis Cluster on
reasoning with equations and inequalities for, 20;

polynomial rational, and radical, 66–68. See also
Equations; Problem solving
Sound wave cyclical model, 78
Square roots: focus on, 67; understanding the
sums of, 64
Standards for Mathematical Practice: MP.1. make
sense of problems and persevere in solving
them, 14; MP.2. reason abstractly and
quantitatively, 14–15; MP.3. construct viable
arguments and critique the reasoning of others,
15–16; MP.4. model with mathematics, 16; MP.5.
use appropriate tools strategically, 16–17; MP.6.
attend to precision, 17; MP.7. look for and make
use of structure, 17–18; MP.8. look for and
express regularity in repeated reasoning, 18.
See also Focus Standards for Mathematical
Practice; individual module
Statistical studies: distinguishing between
different types of, 103; sampling variability in
sample proportion, 104; using sample data to
estimate a population characteristic, 103
Stock market cyclical model, 78
A Story of Functions (9–12 grades): designed
to prepare students to take Calculus, 11;
Instructional Shifts alignment with, 11–14;
introduction to, 1, 2; math content development
for, 5; PARCC integral use in, 11, 13–14; Standard
for Mathematical Practice alignment with,
14–18; Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
integrated into, 51–56; year-long curriculum
map of, 9fig. See also Algebra II; Eureka Math
A Story of Ratios (6–8 grades): introduction to, 1;
year-long curriculum map of, 8fig
A Story of Units (PreK–5 grades): introduction to,
1, 2; year-long curriculum map of, 6fig–7fig
Structure: Algebra I, 17; Algebra II, 17; Major
Emphasis Cluster on seeing expression, 20;
Module 1: Polynomial, Rational, and Radical
Relationships, 62
Student engagement: providing English language
learners (ELLs) with multiple means of, 53;
providing students performing above grade
level with, 56; providing students with
disabilities with multiple means of, 55; providing
students performing below grade level with
multiple means of, 56
Student Outcomes: description of, 11, 57; Lesson
27 (Algebra II Module 3) sample lesson, 31.
See also specific module
Students: English Language Learners (ELLs),
52–53; Eureka Math goal to produce

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