Eureka Math Algebra II Study Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index | 143

mathematical fluency in, 1; performing above
grade level, 56; performing below grade level,
55–56; A Story of Functions (9–12 grades)
designed to prepare them for Calculus, 11
Students with disabilities: individualized
education programs (IEPs) for, 53; provide
multiple means of action and expression for, 54;
provide multiple means of engagement for, 55;
provide multiple means of representation for,
54; Section 504 accommodation plans for, 53
Subtraction: probabilities, 99fig; rational
expressions, 67
Suggested Tools and Representations, 28
Summary of Year, 19, 20
Surveys, 103
Systems of equations: graphing, 68; solving linear
equations, 67

Table of Contents, 12
Tangent functions: description and name of, 76;
determine values of the, 76; graphing the, 78;
introduction to, 74
Terminology: Algebra I, 107–110; Algebra II, 113–117;
description and function of module, 28;
Geometry, 111–113; Precalculus and advanced
topics, 117–127
Theorems (remainder theorem), 66
Tide cyclical model, 78
Topic Overview narratives, 12, 28, 57. See also
specific module
Transformations of functions: description of, 10;
of the graphs of logarithmic and exponential

functions, 90; transforming graph of the sine
function, 77–78. See also Functions
Trigonometric functions: develop understanding
of the six basic, 73–76; understanding and
applying, 76–79
Trigonometric identity: description of the, 78;
proving the, 78; trigonometric identity proofs, 79
Two-step word problem solving, 13
Two-way tables: calculating conditional
probabilities and evaluating independence
using, 100; calculating probabilities using a, 100

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): scaffolds for
English language learners (ELLs), 52–53;
scaffolds for scaffolds for students performing
below grade level, 55–56; scaffolds for students
performing above grade level, 56; scaffolds for
students with disabilities, 53–55; A Story of
Functions integrated with, 51–56

Venn diagrams: adding and subtracting
probabilities, 99fig; introduction to, 100;
representing events using, 100

“WhatPower” functions, 86, 88
Word problems: leading to rational equations, 67;
one-step, 13; PARCC Type I, II, and III tasks
included in, 13–14; two-step, 13

Zero: extending facility with complex, 68–69; Major
Emphasis Cluster on relationship of polynomial
factors and, 20; role in factoring by, 64
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