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Oceans and seas
World war ii
Pacific Ocean 396- P
On a map Of the pacific Ocean, the sunny, tropical pacific islands
look like tiny grains of sand scattered on the sea. the first adventurous
settlers of these islands sailed from Southeast asia. they spread gradually
across the region, traveling over the vast expanses of ocean in their light
wooden sailing boats. today, the islands are divided into three main groups:
micronesia to the north, melanesia to the south, and polynesia to the east.
there are 12 independent countries in the pacific, including fiji, tonga,
and nauru, one of the world’s smallest nations. europeans first arrived in
the pacific in the 16th century, and a number of islands maintain strong
links with europe. new caledonia, for instance, is french. many pacific
islanders lead lives that have barely changed for centuries; but there are a
number of important modern
industries, including large-
scale fishing and mining,
as well as tourism.
iSland life
many pacific islands
are very small.
they are the tops
of submerged
mountains. coral
reefs protect them
from the pacific
waves. On the more
remote islands,
people live much as
their ancestors did.
their simple houses
have thatched roofs
made of palm fronds.
families keep pigs and
chickens and grow fruit
and vegetables. they use
traditional boats for
fishing and for trade
between the islands.
There are
more than
600 of these
huge heads
on Easter
Island, some
over 65 ft
(20 m) tall.
Wake iSland
the United States controls a number
of pacific islands, including Wake
island (above) and midway, which
was the scene of a major battle in
World War ii. the islands of hawaii
form one of the 50 states of the USa.
eaSter iSland
tiny, remote easter island is one of the
farthest east of the pacific islands. a dutch
admiral gave the island its name when he
landed there on easter day in 1722. more
than 1,000 years ago, the islanders’ polynesian
ancestors carved mysterious stone statues,
which still dot the dry, barren landscape.
there are some 25,000 pacific
islands, but only a few thousand are
inhabited. they stretch across the
central part of the pacific Ocean,
straddling the equator and
occupying an area larger than
the whole of asia. to the west
and southwest lie Southeast asia,
australia, and new Zealand; north
and South america are to the east.
Wooden sailing boats called
outriggers have a main hull and
floats on either side.
United States military bases cover
virtually all of some Pacific Islands,
mainly in Micronesia.
papUa neW GUinea
new Guinea, one of the world’s largest islands,
is part of melanesia. half of it belongs to
indonesia and is called irian Jaya. the other
half is a mountainous independent country
called papua new Guinea. its thick tropical
forests are the home of many remote tribes
who have little contact with the outside world.
Those taking part in the
spectacular traditional dances
of Papua New Guinea wear
costumes decorated with
feathers and beads.
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