sports 234, 260, 285, 293, 501-
502 , 544
Olympic Games 393 , 498, 512
winter 91, 393, 512
see also baseball; basketball;
cricket; football; hockey;
spreadsheets 277
spruce, Sitka 530
Sputnik 129, 449, 451 , 493, 529
spy satellites 451
square dancing 152
squid 24, 156, 168, 391
squirrels 227
flying 211
Sri Lanka 40, 43, 268, 272
St. Mary Axe, 30 33
stag beetles 70
stagecoaches 528
stages (theater) 520, 521
stained glass 195, 221, 237
stainless steel 287
stalactites and stalagmites 104
Stalin, Joseph 128, 445, 448,
stamens 212
Stamp Act 21, 223
Stanley Cup 257
Stanley, Henry Morton 200
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 571
starfish 335, 458
starlings 74
stars 48, 52, 72, 77, 113, 315,
373, 503-504, 510, 517
stars and stripes 547
START (Strategic Arms
Reduction Talks) 129
state government 239
static electricity 181, 182
static forces 215
statics 406
Statue of Liberty 505
steam hammer 275
steam power 188, 205, 274, 456
trains 457, 528
steamships 275, 464
steel 274, 287
Stegosaurus 423
Steinbeck, John 320
stems, plant 411
Stephenson, George 527
steppes 43, 241, 242
stick insects 90, 280
stigma 212, 213
stingrays 461
stirrup bone 168
Stockhausen, Karlheinz 137
Stoker, Bram 486
stoma 411
stomach 161
Stone Age 83, 506 , 513
stoneflies 280
Stonehenge 522
stories 233, 320, 321, 368, 509
storm surge 507, 523
storms 507, 523
magnetic 510
Stowe, Harriet Beecher 8, 579
Strasbourg, France 194, 541
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
stratification 30
stratosphere 51
Strauss, Johann, Jr. 190
Stravinsky, Igor 137
strawberry plants 411
strikes 306
string instruments 366
stromatolites 422
Stuart, John McDouall 58
stunts 359
stupa 32
sturgeon 283, 448, 449
Sturt, Charles 58
submarines 22, 49, 508
U-boats 574
submersibles 508
subsistence farming 204
suburbs 121
Sudan 11, 172, 174, 379, 542
Sueves 63
Suez Canal 348
suffrage 157, 570
suffragettes 570
sugar plantations 79, 95, 108,
467, 480
Suleiman the Magnificent 394
sulfur 442
sulfur vents 156
sultans 394
Sumerians 83, 467, 509 , 528
sumo wrestling 293
sun 169, 170, 186, 251, 315,
385, 422, 503, 510
and climate 125, 558
and comets 134
and navigation 373
and plants 175, 411
and rainbow 132
reptiles and 437
and time 522
see also solar system
sun gods 368
sundials 126
sunflowers 226
sunset and sunrise 51
sunshine recorder 558
sunspots 510
Super Bowl 214
superconductors 181
supergiants 77, 503
supernova 77, 503
supply and demand 525
Supreme Court 144, 312, 511
surface tension 215, 556
surfing 53
surgery 337 , 339
Surya 368
sushi 293
suspension bridges 82, 275
swamps 309, 334 , 347, 356, 382
Swaziland 474, 475
sweating 252
Sweden 452, 453
Swift, Jonathan 320
swifts 210
switching 183
Switzerland 512
swordfish 389
sycamores 227
Sydney, Australia 53, 57
symmetry 335
symphonies 137
synagogues 299
Syria 39, 348
Table Mountain 474
Tacoma Bridge Disaster 82
tadpoles 175, 225
tai chi 135
Taiwan 115, 117
Tajikistan 111, 151
Taj Mahal 270
takahe 143
Talbot, William Fox 404
Taliban 111
Tallinn, Estonia 191
Talmud 299, 430
tamarins 143
Tamerlane the Great 43, 352
tanagers, paradise 217
tango 36
tanks 313, 493
Tanzania 10, 31, 173
tapas 497
tapeworms 577
Taranaki, Mount 376
tarantulas 142, 500
target sports 502
tartans 538
Tasman, Abel 377
Tasmania 54
taste 161
taxes 240
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich 137
tea 117, 172, 268
team sports 501
tears 201
technological sciences 455
technology 274, 337, 513-514
Renaissance 432
Roman 444
Russian 447
teeth 424, 515
animals’ 260, 318, 461, 470
tegu lizard 323
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel 289
telegraph systems 516
telephone poles 531
telephones 177, 277, 457, 516
telescopes 47, 48, 316, 432, 456,
517 , 549, 580
television 281, 359, 426, 457,
court cases shown on 312
Tell, William 368
temperate regions 125, 176,
216, 472, 531
temperature 252, 560
body 331
Temple of Artemis 572
Buddhist 482, 483
in Central America 60, 108,
Greek 32, 244, 245, 291, 533,
Hindu 255
Roman 443
Sikh 271
Sumerian 509
tendons 362
Tennessee Valley Authority 158
Tenochtitlán 60 , 141
Tenzing Norgay 357
tepees 371
termites 29 , 241, 280
terns 35, 210, 350, 459
terrorism 269, 393
testes 434
testosterone 435
Texas 383, 523
textiles 267, 268, 344, 468, 482,
TGV 220, 526
Thailand 482 , 483
Thames Barrier 151
Thames River 536
Thanksgiving 407
theater and drama 321, 520-
521 , 579
Greek 245, 246
religious plays 234, 340, 520
see also Shakespeare, William
thermal physics 406
thermogram 251
thermometers 252 , 342, 560
thermosphere 51
Thirty Years’ War 429
thistles 241
Thompson, Sarah 123
Thomson’s gazelles 241, 242
thorny devil 323
Thorpe, Jim 214
Three Gorges Dam 40
thresher shark 461
threshing 513
thrips 280
throat 326
thunderstorms 507
Tiananmen Square 114
Tibet 114, 115, 116, 117, 351
ticks 279
tides 355, 387
Tierra del Fuego 37
tigers 90, 318-319
Tigris River 39, 61, 347, 509
Tikal, Guatemala 108
tiles 237, 421
tilting 302
timber 39, 80, 91, 93, 106, 234,
531 , 563
time 522 , 549, 560
Tirana, Albania 489
tires 568
Tirol 59
tissues 262
Titanic 236
Titicaca, Lake 476
toads 142, 225
toadstools 363
tobacco 185, 468, 486
Tokyo, Japan 121, 293
Tollund Man 31
Toltecs 60
tomahawks 372
Tonga 396
tongues 161
iron 286
stone 442, 456, 506 , 513
toothed whales 566
Torah 299
tornadoes 507, 523
Toronto, Canada 91, 382
torpedoes 508
torpor 254
tortoises 142, 374, 436
torture 264, 429
totem poles 384, 531
toucan 217
touch 25
Tour de France 221
Africa 173, 379, 380, 563
Antarctica 27
Australia 54
Baltic States 62
Europe 59, 190, 222, 233,
244, 284, 291, 420, 488, 489,
496, 535
islands 49, 95, 244, 272
Middle East 349
Switzerland 512
Turkey 533
UK 536, 537, 538
USA 370, 544
tournaments 99, 302
Tower of London 378, 536
towns 221, 274, 341
frontier 565
see also cities
townships 474
toys 276, 294
trachea 326
tractors 205
trade 199, 524-525
ancient world 178, 403, 443
animal products 143
Europe 191, 195, 235
medieval 341
North America 91, 94, 343
see also slavery
trade agreements 524
trade routes 39, 43, 49, 59, 71,
110, 199
trade unions 275, 306, 525
trade winds 569
traffic pollution 417
tragedies (drama) 246, 460, 520
trains 93, 187, 188, 220, 275,
382, 448, 526-527, 528
Japanese 293, 294, 295
steam 457, 527
US railroads 547
transistors 183 , 457
transmitters 426 , 516, 519
transportation 121, 220, 260,
278, 457, 514, 536
animals and 496, 497, 528
history of 528—529
see also aircraft; cars; ships;
Transcontinental Railroad 527
Trans-Siberian Railway 448
Transylvania 486
trap-door spider 374
trawlers 463
treasure maps 408
Antarctic 28
INF 129
Nanking 115
Paris 223
Rarotonga 377
Rome 194
Tordesillas 480
Versailles 574
Waitangi 377
Treblinka camp 259
trees 216, 227, 308, 384,
411, 412, 530-531
bonsai 293
prehistoric 422, 423
sacred 105
see also forests; timber
trenches, ocean 388
trench warfare 573
Trent, Council of 429
trepanning 338
Trevithick, Richard 457, 527
trials 312
triceps 362
trilobites 218, 422
triremes 246, 464
tritons 462
triumvirate 88
tropics 125, 207, 217, 558
troposphere 51
Troy 30, 368
Trudeau, Pierre 94
Truman, Harry 128, 305
trumpet gentian 358
trumpets 367
Truth and Reconciliation
Commission 332
Truth, Sojourner 8
tsunamis 171, 388
Tuareg peoples 10, 11, 125
tuatara 436
tubers 411, 412
tubifex worms 577
Tubman, Harriet 317, 532
tugboats 464
tundra 39, 125, 176, 381, 415
Tunisia 11, 379, 380
turbans 431
turbines 186, 188
turbofan engines 188
Turin, Italy 290
Turkestan 115
Turkey 199, 283, 286, 351, 533-
534 , 572
and Ottoman Empire 196,
turkeys 203
Turner, J. M. W. 399
turquoise 442
Turtle (submarine) 22
turtles 307, 436 , 437, 458
tusks 515
Tutankhamun 31, 178, 367
Tutsi people 173
Tutu, Desmond 332
Twain, Mark 321
Tweed, William Macy 416
twins 230
twisters see tornadoes
typhoid 164
typhoons 507
Tyrannosaurus rex 162
Tyrrhenian Sea 292
Uganda 172, 173
Ukraine 535
ultraviolet rays 48, 169
Uluru (Ayers Rock) 53, 54, 441
umbilical cord 435
“Uncle Sam” 240
indeX. sports – Uncle sam
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