The New Childrens Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




OVitamins and minerals are found
in many foods, and are essential
to general body health.

OExercise helps
strengthen the heart, lungs, and
muscles. It also helps to keep the
body supple.

OWater is needed
for all of the body’s
processes to function
properly. Dehydrated cells will
not perform at their best.

OGood hygiene helps to keep
germs away. Brushing teeth helps combat
tooth decay by cleaning teeth of the bacteria
that cause it.


It’s not always easy for someone to stay well. There may not be

access to clean drinking water, or food may be restricted.

Malnutrition, which is when somebody doesn’t have enough

of one or more of the food groups, is a serious problem

in some parts of the world. But if your immune

system is working well, it will act to protect your

body from illness, fighting off the viruses and

bacteria that may cause you harm.

Allergies Sometimes
the immune system
doesn’t work properly,
identifying things as a
threat and attacking
them when they
aren’t. This can
cause an allergic
reaction. A person
might begin sneezing,
for example, when in
contact with pollen
or dust.

O Fungi usually cause
infection on the skin’s
surface, like dandruff,
but other fungi can
cause serious illness
inside the body by
damaging the cells.

O Viruses are far smaller
than bacteria. They attack
our cells from the inside,
taking them over. Colds
and flus are the result of
a viral infection.

O Bacteria are single-
celled organisms. Most
are harmless, but certain
bacteria invade our
bodies to cause illness.
Tuberculosis is caused
by bacteria.


Increasing numbers of
people around the world
are suffering from allergies,
such as hayfever. Hayfever
is an allergic response to
plant pollen. This can be
worse at particular times
of year, when the pollen
count is high.

White blood cells These cells fight
bacteria and viruses that might make you
sick. Some produce antibodies that work
to kill germs. Babies are born
with antibodies they inherit
from their mother, but they
begin to develop their own
as they grow.

White blood cell

blood cell


OYour two
kidneys are at
the back of your
OThe kidneys
control the
amount of fluid
in the body and filter liquid waste from
your blood.
OFiltered waste is removed to the bladder
and then expelled as urine.
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