Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


  - Ch. 1: Prisoners of the Dro w ......•.......... 4 The Pudding Coon Ill Ch. 15: The City o f Spiders
- Esr.ape! .4 Battle for Blingdenstone 113 Gl>als -.... -.......................
- The Adventure Bcgins S Leaving Blingdenstone 115 Going to Menzoberranzan
- In the Slave Pen S Menzoberranzan
- The Drow 9 Ch. 7: Escape from the Underdark •.. 116 City Locations
- Velkynvelve 11 The Way 0UL 1 16 Unexpected Allies
- Means of Escape IS Bidding Farewell l J 7 Private Meeting!'> -.............
- Leaving Velkynvelve 16 Confronting the D row 118 t\ Cbange of Hearr
- XP Awards 16 Purtllcr Adve ntures 119 Sorcere
- Dcvelopnrenrs

  • Ch. 2: Into Darkness 17 Ch. 8: Audience in Gauntlgrym

    • Where to Go? 17 Summoned by l:lruenor l20 Cb. 16 : T h e Fetid Wedding

    • Underdark Trave l 18 Gauntlgrym l 2 1 Wedding luvitmiutt

    • Equipment 21 Events in Gauntlgrym 124 Myconid March

    • Madness 21 Forgi og ao All iancc^126 Araumycos

    • Death 22 The Way Ahead^129 Enter the Groom

    • Fungi of the Underdark 22 Into the Gray Drcam

    • Narrating the journey 24 Ch. 9: Mantol-Derith 1 32 Let Them Speak t'\O\ -.

    • Random Encounters 25 Reaching Maotol-DcritlL !33 Victory or Defeat _ Drow Pursuit 24 Fraz-Urb'luu's Gem 132 Fighting the Faceless Lord 211!

    • Swnmarizing Travel 30 Mamol-Derith l33 Developments

    • Set Encounters 31 Leaving Mantol-Derith

    • The Silken Paths 31 Cb. 17: Against t h e De m o n Lo r d s

      • Hook Horror Hunt. 32 Cb. 10: Descent into the Depths 143 Readying the P lan

    • The Oozing Temple 34 Fellow Travelers 143 Enacting rht-Ptan

      • Lost Tomb oF Khaern 37 ln Command l44 Rage uf Demons

        • Random Events 145 A!!<tins t Demogorgoo

  • Ch. 3: The Darklak.e 39 Underdark Outposts l47 Loose Threads

    • Traversing the Darklake 40 Retracing Steps 1.4

      • Random Encounters 40 App. A: Modifying Backgrounds

    • Sloobludop 43 Ch 11: Gravenhollow 150 Substitute Features

      • XP Awards 49 Going to Grave n hollow 150 Substitute Bonds

        • The Stone Library

  • Ch 4: GrackJstugb 50 The Enemy of Our Enemy 155 App. 8 : Magic Items

    • Going to Gracklstuglt. 50 Stonespeaker Crystals I

    • Gracklstugh 56 Returning to Vizeran 159 App. C: Creatures

    • Darklake District.. 59 Leaving Gravenhollow 159 I >crro -.......

    • Laduguer's Furrow 64 lxitJ~achitl

    • West Cleft & East Cleft Districts 64 Ch. 1 2: The Tower of Vengeance 160 Creature Variations -.....

    • Halls of Sacred Spells 65 Reaebjng the Tower 160 Miscellaneous Creatures

      • Cairngorm Cavern 65 A raj: Vizeran's Tower 161 Nonplaycr Cbaracters -......................

    • Themberc haud's Lair

      • Whorlstone Tunne ls 67 Ch. 13: The Wormwrithings 166 App. D: De m o n Lords

    • L eaving Gracklstugh 81 T he Worm Tunnels 166 Baphomet

      • Hold of the Dee pking 82 Troglodyte T ,air 168 Demogorgon

        • Voice in the Dark 171 Fr~z-Urb'hnr

  • Cb 5: Neverlight Grove 83 Worm Nursery 172 Graz'zt

    • Going to Neverlight Grove 83 The Da rk Hunte rs 175 juiblex

    • Arriving a t the Grove 84 The Vast Oblivium 175 Ore us

    • .Neverlight Grove 86 Yeenoghu

    • Yggrnorgus 92 Ch. 14: The Labyrinth 178 Zuggtmoy

    • Leaving Neverlighr Grove 94 Labyrinth Encounters

      • Adamantine Tower _ l80 Afterword

    • Going to Blingdenstone 95 l'lllhriddens -.................................. Cb. 6: Btingdenstone 95 Spiral o£ lhe Horned King IS!

    • Blingdenstone Outskirts 99 March to Nowhere l

    • Outer Blingdenstone lOl Ycenoghu's Hum l8-

    • lnner Blingdenstone I0 2 Gallery of Angels

    • Bockblight 107 The Maze Engine

      • Goldwhisk.er Warrens

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