Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1

dlOO Trinket dlOO Trinket

37 A small pigeon in a cage^69 A lock of hair

from a changeling

(^38) An Acquisitions Incorporated "Green Flame" foam
(^70) A marble that rolls uphill
(^71) A piece of parchment listing a command word for a
39 A "C" Team lunchbox powerful
magic item
(^40) A potted plant that grows different fruit on every^72 A book titled
Conversational Ciant
(^73) A user's manual for an apparatus of Kwalish
(^41) A book of adventures for children
(^74) A signed headshot of famous bard Spice Caraway
(^42) An Omin action figure with detachable maul and holy
(^75) The eye of a basilisk in a crystal box
(^76) A postcard from Ravnica
(^43) A pint glass engraved with a picture of a keg robot
(^77) A stamp collection
44 A giant hockey puck
(^78) A small piece of solidified smoke
(^45) A miniature cannon that actually fires
(^79) A six-sided die that sometimes rolls a seven
(^46) A very fancy red scarf and matching handkerchief
(^80) A left-hand gauntlet
(^47) An arrow once shot by Morgren
(^81) A music box that plays nursery rhymes
48 A purple worm toy
(^82) A lock et t hat's bigger on the outside than the inside
(^49) A burned doll whose eyes follow you around the room
(^83) A potted plant that grows hair instead of leaves
50 An infinite inkwell
84 A collection of teeth
(^51) A band embroidered with the symbol of the Six
(^85) A coin whose minting date always shows three years
52 A squishy cactus
in the future
53 A velvet blindfold
(^86) A green drinking horn taken from a very large bull
(^54) A dirty figurine of a triceratops that can't be cleaned
(^87) A small book containing pressed and dried botanical
(^55) A used (and thus nonmagical) noble knife from the
Noble Knife
88 A hatched chimera egg
(^56) A quill that rotates through all the colors of the rain-
(^89) A slightly used red bandit mask
(^90) A tiny stirge encased in amber
(^57) A twenty-sided die that only rolls the number^4
(^91) A large bottle of Red Larch Ale that can't be opened
(^58) A pointed hat that glows in the dark
(^92) A cane topped with a stylized golden bulldog
(^59) A cup that hums when filled with water
(^93) A note in your own hand that you don't remember
(^60) A mug fashioned from the skull of someone else's
enemy^94 A sprig of herbs from
your family's garden
(^61) A small glass jar containing an immortal firefly^95 A tankard stolen from
the Dran & Courtier
(^62) A fake mustache made from gnome facial hair^96 A small, severed tentacle preserved
in alcohol
63 A petrified troll finger
(^97) A walnut with a face drawn on it
64 Half of a map^98 A small flask of liquid from
the Lake of Radiant Mists
(^65) The other half of a map^99 An ice cube that never
(^66) An unreasonable amount of pocket lint^00 An expertly carved sword hilt
with the blade snapped
(^67) A dozen flyers for a local gnome food place cleanly
(^68) Omin Oran's business card

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