Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1

absentee ballot (decisionist),^22
Acquisitions Incorporated, 77
in campaigns, 5-6, 79
history, 6-8
magic and, 1 5
advanced preparations
(obviator), 30
alchemist's insight (obviator), 29
always hiring (secreta rian), 34
Anvil, Phoenix, 206-207
"B" Team, 205
backgrounds, 47-52
celebrity adventurer's scion, 48
failed merchant, 49
gambler, 49-50
plaintiff, 50- 51
rival intern, 51- 52
barbarian, 52- 54
options, 54
primal paths, 54
bard, 54-SS
bard colleges, SS
options, 54
spells, 74
baseline costs. Su franchises:
battle balloon, 217-218
bead of diverted karma
(occultant), 32
bead of instant karma
(occultant), 31
Beestinger, Pendragon,^20 6-207
Beestinger, Rosie, 203
better odds (decisio nist), 22
Blit'zen, Donaar, 200-201
bring out your dead (occultant),
"C" Team, 200
cards of sending (secretarian),
cartographer, 19-21, 21 5-216
chaos quadrapod,^209
charming introduction
(secretarian), 34
charming misdemeanor
(decisionist), 22
clandestine kit (decisionist),^22
cleric, 56-57
options, 54
spells, 74
clockwork dragon,^209
coin of decisionry (decisionist),
company position, 18 -19
iconic features, 215 -2 16
See also specific company
complications and rivals, 36 - 37
construction permits
correct the balance (occultant),
crew, 12
Darkmagic, Jim, 6, 197
Dankgrass, Walnut, 204
death's omen (occultant),^32
decisionist, 21-23, 216


deep crow, 210-211
defaulting, 18
documancer, 23-24, 216
documancy satchel
(documancer), 24
document flexibility
(documancer), 24
downtime activities, 35 -36. See
also franchises: activities
Dran Enterprises, 7, 77, 214.
See also the Orrery of the
Dran, Auspicia, 7, 77 , 196,
Dran, Omin, 6,^196
Dran, Portentia, 7, 20 7-208
Dran, Prophetess, 208
Drow'b, K'thriss, 202
druid, 57-59
druid circles, 58- 59
options, 54
efficient upgrades (loremonger),
elder cartographer's
glossography (cartographer),
eldritch occultant (occultant), 31
enhanced lenses (obviator),^30
explore territory (franchise
activity), 37-3 8
faction features,^21 4-^215
factions and rivals, 77 - 78
fighter, 59-61
martial archetypes, 60
options, 54
fluent in boss (documancer), 24
franchise restructuring
(franchise activity), 38-39
franchise tasks, 12, 34-37
in the campaign, 35
selecting, 35
as narrative, 35-36
See also franchises: activities
franchises 9- 12, 17-18,^3 4-4^6
activities, 37-46
advancement, 9-18
costs, 17-18
fast generator, 8
headquarters. See
rank, 9
rank multiplier, 18
staff, 10- 12
tasks. See franchise tasks
task s lots,^10
gift of words ( documancer), 24
greater tale of safe travel
(cartographer), 2 0- 21
group dynamics, 10, 12, 18
Hard Cloud, the,^217
headquarters, 8, 12- 17
arcane features, 16
cosmetic features, 14
defensive features, 16-17
expansion features, 14-15
franchise choice features, 17
secret features, 1 7

starter headquarters, 13-14
transportation features, 15-16
weapon features, 16
headquarters modification
(franchise activity), 38- 39
hoardsperson, 24-26,^216
House Oran, 207
improved rumor mill
(secretarian), 34
inspired decision (decisionist).
it's a rental (cartographer), 19
keg robot, 212
licensed region, 9-10
living loot satchel
(hoardsperson), 25-26
living the good life
(hoardsperson), 26
loremonger, 26- 28, 216
Lutier, Brahma, 205
majordomo, 8, 11
map of shortcuts (cartographer),
map of the moment
marketeering (franchise activity),
mechanical beholder, 219
monk, 61-62
monastic traditions, 6 2
options, 54
monthly business performance,
monthly cost. See franchises:
Morg~n. 7,^199
need to know (loremonger), 27
Noble Knife, the, 78 , 214
nonpayment penalties. See
obviate the opposition
( obviator), 30
obviator, 28-30, 216
obviator's lenses (obviato r), 30
occultant, 30-32, 216
Orrery of the Wanderer (artifact),
Orrery of the Wanderer, the
(adventure), 79-195
paladin, 62-64
options, 54
sacred oaths, 64
philanthropic enterprise
(franchise activity), 4 l-42
portable hole satchel
(hoardsperson), 26
portfolio keeper (secretarian),^33
position check, 1 8-19. See also
specific company positions
position rank,^19
ranger, 64-65
options, 54
ranger archetypes, 65
read the kill (occultant), 31
read the opposition (obviator),
rogue, 65-67
options, 54

roguish archetypes, 66-67
royalty components, 76
rumor mill (secretarian), 34
running a franchise (franchise
activity), 18,^4 2-4^3
satchel of holding
(documancer), 24
schmoozing (franchise activity),
scroll humidor (documancer),^24
scroll service (documancer), 24
scrutineering (franchise activity),
secret satchel (hoardsperson),
secretarian, 32-34,^216
sending stone (secretarian), 33
shady business practice
(franchise activity), 43 -44
Silver Sliver, 78, 215
Six, the, 7, 78, 214. See also the
Orrery of the Wanderer
skilled hirelings, 12
sorcerer, 67-68
options, 54
sorcerous origins,^68
spells, 74
spell descriptions, 75 - 77
Splugoth the Returned, 7, 213.
See also the Orrery of the
spyglass of clairvoyance
(cartographer), 19
tale of safe travel (cartographer),
19- 20
team building (franchise
activity), 4 S-46
that expensive thing you need
(hoardsperson), 26
that thing you need
(hoardsperson), 26
That-Which-Endures, 72,^73
tiebreaker (decisionist), 22
travel alchemical kit (obviator),
trinkets, 222-223
Truestrike, Oak, 205
untrained hirelings, 11
vehicles, 217-219
verdan, 72-75
Viar· 7, 198
voting ~1t (dec1s1on1st),^22
warlock 68-70
options, 54
otherworldly patrons, 69 - 70
spells, 74
what a deal (hoardsperson), 25
whisper jar (loremonger),^27
whispered arcana (loremonger),
whispered encyclopedia
(loremonger), 27
whispered warnings
(loremonger), 28
wizard, 70-72
arcane schools, 71-72
options, 54
spells, 74
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