Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
Gorka Tharn was a duergar priest of Laduguer, now
transformed into a mummy lord, with these changes:

  • The mummy lord speaks Dwarvish and

  • It has the stone shape spell prepared instead of

  • It has the Enlarge and Invisibility action options de-
    scribed below.
    Enlarge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For l minute,
    the mummy lord magically increases in size, along with any·
    thing it is wearing or carrying. While enlarged, the mummy lord
    is Large, doubles its damage dice with its Rotting Fist attack,
    and makes Strength checks and Strength saving throws with
    advantage. If the mummy lo rd lacks the room to become Large,
    it attain s the maximum size possible in the space available.

Invisibility (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). The mummy
lord magically turns invisible for up to l hour or until it attacks,
it casts a spell, it uses its Enlarge, or its concentration is bro-
ken (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the mummy
lord wears or carries is invisible with it.

The stalagmite in the northwest alcove is hollow and
serves as Gorka Tharn's sarcophagus. The mummy lord
is lodged inside the stalagmite's funnel-shaped interior.
When it awakens, the mummy lord uses a stone shape
spell to create an opening large enough for it to emerge.
It destroys any intruders in its lair, then returns to its
sarcophagus and its slumber.
At the bottom of the stalagmite's hollow cavity, four
1-foot-tall clay urns contain Gorka Tharn's preserved
internal organs, including the mummy lord's shriveled
heart. Only by destroying the heart can the characters
prevent the mummy lord from rejuvenating. The heart is
a Tiny object with AC 5, 25 hit points, and immunity to
all damage except fire.
Stone Altar and Treasure. The altar is carved from
a single block of granite and dedicated to Laduguer, the
evil god of the duergar. The mural painted on the wall
behind the altar depicts a shadowy figure cradling a
pile of gemstones in its arms. Any character who has an
appropriate background or who succeeds on a DC 15
Intelligence (Religion) check confirms that the mural is
meant to depict Laduguer.
Piled around the altar are 5, 000 cp, 2 , 300 sp, 470 gp,
five flawed diamonds (100 gp each), and an electrum
teapot (25 gp). A rusty warhammer is also found among
the valuables. It disintegrates the first time it is used to
strike anything hard.

    This 12 -foot-high cave contains six duergar, three males
    and three females, who have come up from level 21 to
    loot the shrine of Laduguer (area 6c). The male duergar
    are Klom Xornbane, Skrac Blackskull, and Anchok
    Muzgardt. The female duergar are Akith Xornbane
    (Klom's sister), Garlynth Ironhead, and Xarta Muzgardt
    (Anchok's sister). The duergar are hard to tell apart,
    since all of them wear mean-looking iron bucket helms
    with visors.

Having slipped past the Stonecloaks and the gargoyles
in areas 8 and 9, these duergar have just started a short
rest to recharge their Invisibility when the characters
happen upon them. The hateful, xenophobic duergar en-
large themselves· and attack. They are too stubborn and
determined to back down or surrender.
Each duergar carries a small gray sack holding 5 days
of rations, and a large, empty gray sack to carry loot
from the shrine.
A character who interrogates a duergar captive and
succeeds on a DC 20 Charisma (Intimidation) check
learns the following information:

  • The duergar live in the Deep Mines (another name
    for the Terminus Level), the next level down from the
    Runestone Caverns.

  • The Deep Mines are ruled by Fazrian, a "bald, green-
    skinned giant with glowing eyes and white-feathered
    wings." Any character who succeeds on a DC 18
    Intelligence (Religion) check realizes, based on this
    description, that Fazriao is a planetar.

  • The duergar have come to plunder a shrine of Ladu-
    guer on this level, then return to the Deep Mines with
    loot to earn Fazrian's favor. They know the shrine's
    location (area 6c) but nothing about the mummy lord
    that guards it.

    Gargoyles and stone golems watch over these caves, and
    Halaster has left a few other surprises here as well.

Ceiling. This cavern has walls that slope inward to form
a 30-foot-high peak.
Gargoyles. Six gargoyles cling to ledges 20 feet up the
walls, three at the north end of the cavern and three at
the south end.
Golems. Two stone golems carved to resemble
Halaster (see "Stonecloaks," page 253) stand watch
on the cavern floor. One is positioned near the tunnel
to area 9a; the other is close to the tunnel to area 6a.
The gargoyles serve Halaster. They remain motionless
unless they are attacked or combat erupts in this area,
whereupon they fight as allies of the stone golems.
The golems are hostile toward any creature that
doesn't look like Halaster or a gargoyle. A character
disguised as Halaster can make a Charisma (Deception)
check contested by the golems' Wisdom (Insight) check,
with advantage on the check if the portrayal is particu-
larly convincing. On a successful check, the golem won't
attack that character unless the character attacks it.

Rivulets of water trickling down the back wall of this
damp 15-foot-high cave have eroded the stone in a
spectacular way, creating a natural frieze that resem-
bles a hunched male human leaning down to pick up a
staff while a great blue dragon sneaks up behind him.
Halaster's contribution to the natural carving is the
staff, which he formed out of the rock.

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