Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

The gargoyles and golems in area 8a won't enter this
empty cavern, the ceiling of which is a rough 15-foot-
high dome. A detect magic spell reveals an aura of conju-
ration magic throughout the cave-the effect of a magic
trap placed here by Halaster.
When one or more creatures reach the cavern's mid-
point, 15-foot-long tentacles of acid magically erupt from
the floor, walls, and ceiling. A creature that enters the
tentacle-filled cavern for the first time on a turn or starts
its turn there must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving
throw or take 10 (3d6) acid damage and be grappled
by a tentacle (escape DC 22). A creature that starts its
turn grappled by a tentacle automatically takes 10 (3d6)
acid damage.
The tentacles can't be damaged, and dispel magic
has no effect on them. The tentacles disappear when all
creatures have left the cavern. If the words "Halaster,
save us!" are spoken aloud in the cavern in Common,
the tentacles disappear, and the trap can't trigger again
for 1 hour.

Slime. A thin layer of slime covers the walls and floor of
this 20-foot-high cavern.
Fungus. A patch of glowing fungus sprouts from the
east wall.
Giant Snail. In the northern part of the cave lurks
Haungharassk, a magical snail as large as an ele-
phant, with a shell of gleaming gold.
Halaster placed Haungharassk here, setting up the
trap in area 8c both to confine the creature and to
prevent others from killing it. The giant snail is an un-
aligned Huge beast with AC 6, 52 (7dl2 + 7) hit points,
and walking and climbing speeds of 10 feet. It can climb
difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
without needing to make an ability check. Its ability
scores are as follows: Strength 20, Dexterity 3, Consti-
tution 13, Intelligence 3, Wisdom 10, Charisma 3. It has
no attacks and can't speak. A pound of salt thrown onto
the snail's skin deals ld6 acid damage to the creature.
The glowing golden hue of Haungharassk's shell
is augmented by veins of real gold. That gold can be
stripped from the shell, but only if the snail is dead (see
"Treasure" below). Killing the snail yields no XP.
A detect magic spell reveals a powerful aura of ab-
juration magic around the snail. A creature that uses
an action to touch the living snail gains 6 temporary
hit points that last for 24 hours. Any creature or object
that touches the living snail also gains the benefit of a
remove curse spell. The snail loses these magical prop-
erties if it dies.
The characters can lead Haungharassk around by
feeding it plants, fungi, or algae. A successful DC 10 In-
telligence (Nature) check enables a character to discern
what the giant snail likes to eat.
The patch of glowing fungus magically regrows each
time it is picked. It is the snail's food source. The fungus
dies if taken from this area.
Treasure. Characters who kill Haungharassk can
strip 100 pounds of gold from the snail's shell with a few
hours' work. The gold is worth 20,000 gp.



These out-of-the-way caverns hold one of Ha laster's
magic gates, the approach to which is closely watched by
his servants.

Two s ton e golems carved to resemble Halaster (see
"Stonecloaks," page 253) stand east of the two col-
umns of rock that support the 20 -foot-high ceiling of this
otherwise empty cave. Characters who enter the area
through the northwest tunnel can't see the golems right
away because the rock columns provide total cover.
The golems are hostile toward any creature that
doesn't look like Halaster. A character disguised as
Halaster can make a Charisma (Deception) check
contested by the golems' Wisdom (Insight) check, with
advantage on the check if the portrayal is particularly
convincing. On a successful check, the golem won't at-
tack that character unless the character attacks it.

Rubble. The floor of this SO-foot-high cavern is strewn
with the remains of a dozen gargoyles. (The gargoyles
once guarded the gate in this cavern, but the Stone-
cloaks destroyed them.)
Arch. A ramp hugs the south wall and climbs to a
20-foot-high ledge. A stone arch is embedded in the
wall at the west end of the ledge.
The arch is one of Halaster's gates (see "Gates," page
12). It is composed of one hundred stone jigsaw
pieces, each weighing 10 pounds. The rules of this gate
are as follows:

  • Only one piece of the arch can be removed at any
    given time. A detect magic spell reveals that one of the
    pieces (determined randomly) is magical. When that
    piece is removed from the arch, it disappears, and the
    gate opens for 1 minute. When the gate closes, the
    piece removed from the arch magically reappears in
    its proper place, and a different piece becomes magi-
    cal and must be removed to reopen the gate.

  • If a wrong piece is removed from the arch, a b eholder
    magically appears in an unoccupied space within 60
    feet of the arch and attacks any creature it can see.
    The beholder disappears when it is slain or after 1
    minute. When the beholder disappears, the piece that
    was removed from the arch magically reappears in its
    previous place.
    Characters must be 13th level or higher to pass
    through this gate (see "Jhesiyra Kestellharp," page
    10). The first creature to pass through the gate trig-
    gers an elder rune (see "Elder Runes," page 12).

  • A creature that passes through the gate appears in
    area 15 on level 15, in the closest unoccupied space
    next to the identical gate located there.
    Puzzle Piece. On the ledge near the arch, not visible
    from the cavern floor, a 25 -pound chunk of smooth
    stone is carved in the shape of a jigsaw puzzle piece and
    painted with part of an unknown image on one side.
    This stone is the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle
    in area 10.

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