Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
Circle. A circle of runes is inscribed on the floor.
Door Symbol. The door to area 22b has a large symbol
chiseled into it. (The symbol is Ezzat's personal sigil,
which appears nowhere else in the tower. It is purely
A character who examines the circle and succeeds on
a DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check can determine that
it confers the same benefit as a magic circle spell that
affects celestials, elementals, fey, and fiends all at once.
The circle is permanent, but defacing any part of its in-
scribed length renders it nonmagical.

Statue. A shallow alcove holds a 6 -foot-tall painted
statue of Ezzat as he appeared in life. A leather-bound
tome (Ezzat's spellbook) is clutched to the stat-
ue's chest.
S ecret Door. Hidden in the ceiling is a secret door lead-
ing to area 23 (see "Stone Plug" below).
The statue projects an antipathy effect like that cre-
ated by an antipathy/sympathy spell (save DC 20) while
the spellbook is in its grasp. The spell affects all crea-
tures except Ezzat and is inactive whenever the spell-
book is removed from the statue.
No spells or other magical effects can move or dam-
age the s tatue, which is a Medium object with AC 17 , 33
hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
If the statue is destroyed, it turns to dust. A delayed blast
fireball spell (save DC 20) then immediately detonates in
its space.
Stone Plu.g. The secret door in the ceiling is an air-
tight, circular stone plug 8 feet in diameter. A character
who examines the ceiling closely can spot the circular
seam in the rock with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Per-
ception) check.
The stone plug, which weighs 1,000 pounds, has its
rim beveled to keep the plug from falling through the
hole. It can be pushed upward with a telekinesis spell or
similar magic, or obliterated entirely with a disintegrate
spell. Characters who have a combined Strength of 34
or higher can push the plug out of the hole, provided
they have something firm to stand on.
Treasure. Ezzat's spellbook weighs 13 pounds and
contains all the spells the lich has prepared, plus the
following: alarm, arcane lock, burning hands, charm
person, clairvoyance, comprehend languages, cone of
cold, delayed blast fireball, Evard's black tentacles, fear,
feeblemind, flesh to stone, geas, hold person, ice storm,
imprisonment, knock, levitate, magic mouth, maze, me-
teor swarm, mislead, plane shift, prismatic wall, remove
curse, telekinesis, true polymorph, unseen servant, wall
of force, and web.


Lich Cave. This room is carved to look like a natural
cave with a 20-foot-high, domed roof. Hundreds of
pebble-sized crystals (fragments of the Runestone)
line the walls, flickering like tiny stars as they catch
the light.


Demon. A marilith demon slithers about the room.
Phylactery. Lying in the middle of the floor is a small
ornate metal box (Ezzat's phylactery).
Ezzat recently summoned the marilith to guard his
phylactery. A geas spell cast on it by the lich requires the
demon to protect the phylactery against theft or destruc-
tion. The marilith takes out its frustration at being stuck
here· by attacking intruders. If a character snatches
the phylactery and flees, the marilith tries to pursue so
as to avoid taking psychic damage from Ezzat's geas
spell. The s tone plug in the floor is too heavy for the
marilith to lift.
A detect magic spell reveals an aura of transmutation
magic radiating from the walls, which have more than
six hundred Runestone fragments embedded in them.
Each fragment extends the duration of the geas spell
affecting the marilith by 30 days. The Runestone frag-
ments disappear if the spell ends, their magic spent.
The Runestone fragments can't be pried from the walls,
since the same magic that protects the stalagmite tower
from damage prevents their removal.

Ezzat's phylactery is a box 6 inches long, 3 inches wide,
and 4 inches tall that weighs 2 pounds. It is made of ada-
mantine with gold trim, and its interior is inscribed with
tiny silver runes. A detect magic spell reveals a powerful
aura of necromancy magic around it. Any character who
examines the box and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
(Arcana) check recognizes it as a lich's phylactery. (For
more information on lich phylacteries, see the "Lich"
entry in the Monster Manual.)
Destroying Ezzat's phylactery requires that it be
struck by eight disintegrate spells at the same time. A
legend lore spell cast on the box provides the following
insight: "Seek out eight magi who possess the power
of disintegration and bring them to common purpose.
Their combined force can destroy the phylactery." Other
reliable divination spells provide similar advice.


If the characters destroy Ezzat and give his phylactery
to one of the genies on level 19 (or remove it from the
dungeon themselves), the lich is effectively kicked out of
Undermountain. This outcome pleases Halaster, who al-
lows a promising apprentice to take over the stalagmite
tower. Drivvin Freth, the drow archmage encountered
on level 12 , is a good choice. IfDrivvin is unavailable,
Halaster invites some other evil archmage to take up
residence in the tower.
Halaster uses a magic scrying sensor (see "Halaster's
Lair," page 311) to check on Haungharassk, his prized
giant snail, once a day. If he discovers that the snail has
been killed or stolen, the Mad Mage uses the Runestone
to scream epithets that echo throughout the caverns.
If the characters destroy the Runestone, Halaster sets
out to destroy all the gargoyles and Stonecloaks on this
level for failing him. He then begins luring and binding
demons to the Runestone Caverns- nalfeshnees, gla-
brezus, hezrous, and vrocks, for a start. Eventually, he
might get around to trapping a demon lord here as well.
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