Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

of Undermountain originally revealed its
riches to dwarves and, later, to warmon-
gering duergar. The gray dwarves have
long controlled the mines, first depleting
them of mithral, then excavating the iron
to supply their forges. Now, Halaster's
whims and depraved planar influences
have supplanted the duergar as the most dangerous in-
habitants of the level.
The Terminus Level i s designed for four 16th-level
characters. Those who overcome this level's challenges
should gain enough XP to reach 17th level.
Because duergar feature prominently on this level,
consider familiarizing yourself with their entry in the
Monster Manual.

What Dwells Here?

The Terminus Level is where Halaster dumps his failed
monster experiments. Some time ago, a planetar named
Fazrian slew most of these blasphemous horrors, but
s uccumbed to its own blood lust. The fallen angel has
since claimed the level as its own and judges all intrud-
ers who enter its domain. Those found guilty are slain
and fed to a trio of otyughs- denizens of the Terminus
Level that the planetar deigned to spare.
The planetar's "court" is full of evil sycophants, in-
cluding yugoloths that were sent by Halaster to advise
Fazrian and duergar under the command of a conniving
despot named Valtagar Steelshadow.

Fazrian is a planetar formerly in the service of Torm,
god of courage and self-sacrifice. The planetar was
summoned to Undermountain months ago by an adven-
turing cleric. Sickened by the foulness it beheld, Fazrian
sought to cleanse the Terminus Level of corruption,
but the magic suffusing Halaster's abominations cor-
rupted the planetar's divine zeal. The more horrors it
destroyed, the more joy Fazri an took in their slaughter.
Fazrian's fall from grace was swift, culminating in the
murder of the cleric and her companions. The planetar
now passes judgment on all who stand before it. Those
who lack the willingness to sacrifice themselves for a
greater end (such as greedy treasure-seekers drawn to
Undermountain for no other reason) are found guilty
and executed.
A mote of goodness still burns within the planetar. If
the characters can make Fazrian realize that it has be-
come what it sought to destroy, the planetar will end it-
self and, with its self-sacrifice, earn Torm's forgiveness.

The Terminus Level has been warped by Fazrian's pres-
ence, which creates the following magical effects that
end when the planetar dies:

  • A faint breeze bears the scent of roses mixed with
    sulfur. Characters who try to track the breeze to its
    source are led toward Fazrian in area 23b. Warm
    blood oozes from the walls and drips from the ceiling,
    starting and stopping for no apparent reason. (The

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